"Gentleness is a learned behavior. You can help teach your child to be gentle by modeling the behavior yourself, by having your child role play with a doll or stuffed animal, and by helping your child to be aware that her movements and tone of voice are just as important as gentle touch."
Grayson begins his animal toy playdates with a meet and greet. After lining up all of his animals in a neat row, Grayson gives each a gentle hug, followed by a kiss and a little conversation. He usually calls them by their animal names and uses their animal sounds for communication. Grayson is well versed in a multitude of animal languages. He's corrected me many times :)))))
Gentle hugs from,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Below please find a few links I found helpful:
Play Gently Instead of Roughly
Teaching Your Toddler to be Gentle
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Friday, June 25, 2021
Meet and Greet
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Candy Land or Bust
Candy Land was one of my all time favorite board games growing up! I loved the bright colored board and the huge assortment of candy that dreams are made of for kids. Setting-up was quick and it always drew big crowds. There was often a player or two sitting by just waiting to jump in when a seat at the board would empty. We didn't worry about recharging, screen eye strain, or being alone at play as often happens with electronic games. Laughter, chatting and discovery were ongoing as time was spent socializing with family and friends. These memories incentivized me to introduce this game to my grandson.
I was thrilled to see him take to it like a duck takes to water. He dove right in, and with minimal instruction we were moving up and/or across the board with delight. He couldn't wait to draw his next card, giving his red gingerbread man a chance to run towards the finish line. His enthusiasm was contagious. I heard he hasn't tired of the game and it's been weeks since his adventures in Candy Land began. I'm already debating on which game I'd like to bring over on my next visit. Little ones are so much fun, especially when I get to sneak in reliving some of my most precious childhood moments!
Virtual love,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Fighting Boredom During the Shut-In
Have your kids or grandkids been shut-in a little too long? Are they literally climbing the walls like my grandson, Elliot? Fortunately, there are still an enormous amount of things he hasn't seen or tried yet. Spending just a little time scanning the web, I was able to point some sites out to Elliot which I'm also happy to share with you in the links below. A few favorites of ours are, Mo Willems Lunch Doodles at the Kennedy Center, for those who love drawing and Dance Along to Pharrell Williams' HAPPY, for those who have a lot of energy and whose parents would like them not to climb their walls, clean feet or not!
Stay safe, and be well!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fighting Kids' Boredom during Covid Outbreak
Keeping Kids Pre-K thru 5th Grade Busy
Stay safe, and be well!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fighting Kids' Boredom during Covid Outbreak
Keeping Kids Pre-K thru 5th Grade Busy
children's blog,
Covid 19,
Covid 19 advice,
grandchildren's blog,
Kennedy Center,
kid's activities,
Mo Willems,
Piggy Books
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Virtual Kid's Birthday Parties
Who said, "Virtual birthday parties can't be fun?" Not Finn! His day started out exceptionally early in his back yard filled with balloons, signs, presents, cupcakes, and let us not forget the "Happy Birthday" chalk drawings all over the ground. You see, this day he turned four years old and this day will not be forgotten. There were video chats sprinkled throughout the day with friends and family taking part in the excitement of watching Finn blow out his candles, open his presents and reveal his newly appointed finger ready to count past three. It was a long day for the birthday boy and it was reported he slept soundly that night, along with his parents...Zzzz...!
Happy Virtual Birthdays!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Birthday Ideas While Social DistancingVirtual Party Performers During COVID Times
Creative Ways to Host Kid's Virtual Parties
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Getting Along Lovingly During Quarantine Time
Getting along with one another, in the same house for weeks at a time during our quarantine, doesn't have to be stressful. Take it from this two-year-old. Grayson uses his often successful snag-them-when-they're-not-looking technique. It's pretty simple. Step 1- Look for an unsuspecting soul, who's totally self-absorbed in something they adore. Step 2- Carefully and quietly, sneak up from behind them. Step 3 - Take hold of their arms if you can, and begin with a slight squeeze while working your way into a comfortable body hug. Step 4- Be sure to get away before you're found out, then advance to another family member who is also in need of some sweet, baby love!
Stay well and stay safe!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Families Together in Quarantine
5 Ways to Minimize Family Fighting During COVID 19
Stay well and stay safe!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Families Together in Quarantine
5 Ways to Minimize Family Fighting During COVID 19
baby love,
Corona Virus,
Covid 19,
family fighting,
family love,
family quarantine,
family together,
getting along,
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Adorable Animal Links for our Kiddos
"Hello, Mr. Tails" said the toddler to the new pet goldfish in his home. This new presence is a welcome addition to this household. Waiting out the Coronavirus is giving many of us a chance to slow down and pay attention to things, people and animals, we would normally pass right on by.
Besides that, I'm up to a dollar twenty in change. With nothing to do, I found myself walking around with a rag, cleaner, broom, and vac. My house now has a wonderfully clean smell with a bit of a shine, too. Who knows? This could become habit forming! But, I digress. The real reason for this blog is to share some sweet links I found, which might give our kiddos something to "ooh" and "ahh" about. I know I did! (And don't miss Fiona, the baby hippo. Cute as can be for a hippopotamus!)
Stay safe, wash your hands, and don't forget to floss!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fiona, the baby hippo learns to walk up and down a ramp!
Explore Livecams/Farm Sanctuary, Penguins, Kittens and so much more!
Kinder Playtimes' have a day at the zoo with you.
Besides that, I'm up to a dollar twenty in change. With nothing to do, I found myself walking around with a rag, cleaner, broom, and vac. My house now has a wonderfully clean smell with a bit of a shine, too. Who knows? This could become habit forming! But, I digress. The real reason for this blog is to share some sweet links I found, which might give our kiddos something to "ooh" and "ahh" about. I know I did! (And don't miss Fiona, the baby hippo. Cute as can be for a hippopotamus!)
Stay safe, wash your hands, and don't forget to floss!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fiona, the baby hippo learns to walk up and down a ramp!
Explore Livecams/Farm Sanctuary, Penguins, Kittens and so much more!
Kinder Playtimes' have a day at the zoo with you.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Teaching Empathy
With a bucket full of lego squares, and not much else to do, the boys started stacking. This venture began as two solo players, but soon, with much frustration on not achieving their goal of, "the first person to reach the ceiling wins" it quickly morphed into "let's work together!" There was still quite a bit of failure, but with their eye on the prize and encouraging each other all the way up, they had their 30 seconds of a free-standing, 6-foot tall structure and all was happy in their world!
Here's hoping you had a wonderfully peaceful and happy holiday and may it continue throughout the New Year!
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Always happy to hear your stories about your kids and/or grandkids!
"What many people don’t realize is that empathy is a learned skill and that teaching empathy from a young age has not only been proven to make children more emotionally and socially competent, it also greatly reduces bullying and can also help them be more successful as adults in the future."
BrightVibes Amplify The Good In The World
Teaching Empathy
Zero to Three Helping Your Child Develop Empathy
Here's hoping you had a wonderfully peaceful and happy holiday and may it continue throughout the New Year!
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Always happy to hear your stories about your kids and/or grandkids!
"What many people don’t realize is that empathy is a learned skill and that teaching empathy from a young age has not only been proven to make children more emotionally and socially competent, it also greatly reduces bullying and can also help them be more successful as adults in the future."
BrightVibes Amplify The Good In The World
Teaching Empathy
Zero to Three Helping Your Child Develop Empathy
Sunday, December 29, 2019
I Spy with my Little Eye, a Chicken!
Yes, my friends, that is a chicken in my vacuum hose. Kids do do the darndest things!
While de-sticky-ing my house after a great visit with my grandkids, I discovered this little, plastic chicken, clearly left behind by my 2 year old grandson.
During their visit, I had given each child a single-sized can of Pringles. Within minutes the youngest dumped and smashed the chips all over the floor. Pulling out my trusty vacuum cleaner, the mess was cleared, and the vacuum was once again put away.
Obviously, somewhere between snacking on a few Pringles myself and putting the vacuum back, my honey-bunny managed to put the chicken in the hose for a quick game of Hide and Seek.
Thankfully, I found Mr. Chicken before any harm came to him. Mr. Chicken now waits patiently in a basket by my door, which has been designated my official "Lost but luckily Found Things."
Happy Holidays,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to share your kids/grandkids stories. Love to hear them!
Some sweet and funny grandparent quotes.
While de-sticky-ing my house after a great visit with my grandkids, I discovered this little, plastic chicken, clearly left behind by my 2 year old grandson.
During their visit, I had given each child a single-sized can of Pringles. Within minutes the youngest dumped and smashed the chips all over the floor. Pulling out my trusty vacuum cleaner, the mess was cleared, and the vacuum was once again put away.
Obviously, somewhere between snacking on a few Pringles myself and putting the vacuum back, my honey-bunny managed to put the chicken in the hose for a quick game of Hide and Seek.
Thankfully, I found Mr. Chicken before any harm came to him. Mr. Chicken now waits patiently in a basket by my door, which has been designated my official "Lost but luckily Found Things."
Happy Holidays,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to share your kids/grandkids stories. Love to hear them!
Some sweet and funny grandparent quotes.
children and play,
farm animals,
funny children's blog,
grand babies,
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Coloring Books Verses Blank Paper
Draw anything your little heart desires...imagine that!
All you need is a piece of blank paper and a writing tool and you're off and running...I mean drawing!
This little sweetheart jumped right in with his blue marker and a plan. He clearly had something in mind as he drew his loop-d-loops, squiggly lines and came to his big finish with lots of dots. It was then off to the refrigerator for display and then back to the drawing board for his next dive into a million possibilities.
Although I have coloring books on hand, I usually offer white paper with crayons or markers for coloring fun. My grandkids never turn down the chance to show me what they can do. It's always exciting to hear the stories that lie within the lines.
Share with us your coloring ways with your kids and/or grandkids. Always enjoy hearing from you.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Scholastic/Coloring Inside the Lines
"Preschool (and kindergarten) is a time of exploration, experimentation, and creativity. It is best not to expect your child to try to work within the lines or to try to make perfect letters at this stage."
Why I Don't Buy Colorinng Books for My Kids
"If you want to raise creative kids, skip the coloring books and give them paper and crayons. Encourage them to draw for themselves."
All you need is a piece of blank paper and a writing tool and you're off and running...I mean drawing!
This little sweetheart jumped right in with his blue marker and a plan. He clearly had something in mind as he drew his loop-d-loops, squiggly lines and came to his big finish with lots of dots. It was then off to the refrigerator for display and then back to the drawing board for his next dive into a million possibilities.
Although I have coloring books on hand, I usually offer white paper with crayons or markers for coloring fun. My grandkids never turn down the chance to show me what they can do. It's always exciting to hear the stories that lie within the lines.
Share with us your coloring ways with your kids and/or grandkids. Always enjoy hearing from you.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Scholastic/Coloring Inside the Lines
"Preschool (and kindergarten) is a time of exploration, experimentation, and creativity. It is best not to expect your child to try to work within the lines or to try to make perfect letters at this stage."
Why I Don't Buy Colorinng Books for My Kids
"If you want to raise creative kids, skip the coloring books and give them paper and crayons. Encourage them to draw for themselves."
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To Pretend City or Bust
"We build better brains at Pretend City Children's Museum"
After reading this, I decided I'd better take in as much as I can, since I'm not getting any younger! But for this youngster, without any effort, the learning kicked into high gear from the moment we stepped through their doors, until the need to bribe him to leave. With so much to do, his first decision was where to start. It wasn't too tough to come up with an answer once he spotted a police jacket, hat and car. The outfit stayed on throughout his visiting and working in their store, restaurant, garden, and even performing on stage. What a blast he had! More visits will be coming up in order to explore some more of this beautifully designed play experience.
Although I've been to many great please-touch-me museums over the years, this one has impressed me the most and surely has left a lasting impression on my grand baby! We'll be back!!!
Pretend City Children's Museum
Please share your experiences to museums with your kids and/or grandkids. Always looking for more ideas.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
After reading this, I decided I'd better take in as much as I can, since I'm not getting any younger! But for this youngster, without any effort, the learning kicked into high gear from the moment we stepped through their doors, until the need to bribe him to leave. With so much to do, his first decision was where to start. It wasn't too tough to come up with an answer once he spotted a police jacket, hat and car. The outfit stayed on throughout his visiting and working in their store, restaurant, garden, and even performing on stage. What a blast he had! More visits will be coming up in order to explore some more of this beautifully designed play experience.
Although I've been to many great please-touch-me museums over the years, this one has impressed me the most and surely has left a lasting impression on my grand baby! We'll be back!!!
Pretend City Children's Museum
Please share your experiences to museums with your kids and/or grandkids. Always looking for more ideas.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Adventures in Cooking with the Grandkids

Happy Cooking,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
If you've got any easy cooking tips while cooking/baking with your kids or grandkids, I'd love to hear from you!
A Guide to Cookery Skills by Age
"Children will vary in their ability to undertake different cooking activities. Use your own judgment to choose tasks you think are suitable for your child. Safety is the biggest concern, beyond that a little trial and error is all part of the fun."
Baking With Kids: Crack An Egg Like A Pro
baking with kids,
cooking with children,
easy baking tips,
easy cooking tips,
easy tips,
grand babies blog,
teaching kids how to scramble eggs
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Kids and their Nintendo Switches/Game Consoles
After being told where my grandson was playing with his friend, I stepped into his room. Something didn't sound right! It was completely silent. There was no movement. There was no interaction between friends. Just two boys, on opposite sides of the room, playing on their Nintendo Switches (game consoles), each absorbed in their own worlds. "Hmm..." I thought out loud. "Here's a novel idea. How about you both find a game you like and play together on one Nintendo Switch?" They did! They liked it and in my book, they were now playing! I left the room hearing laughter, squealing, smiling and lots of communicating. Music to my ears :)
What kind of activities go on between your kids/grandkids and their friends. Care to share? I would love to hear about it!
Gaming Consoles in 2019
Handling Children's Gaming Play Positively
Till next time,
Bubbie and her grandkids
What kind of activities go on between your kids/grandkids and their friends. Care to share? I would love to hear about it!
Gaming Consoles in 2019
Handling Children's Gaming Play Positively
Till next time,
Bubbie and her grandkids
Monday, July 29, 2019
Cousins Camp
I tried. I really did! Taking pictures of my 6 grandkids was like getting a new litter of excited puppies to stay still. They were so happy to see each other that the last thing they wanted to do was strike a pose. After many failed attempts I settled on individual shots, and if I got lucky, another grandchild or two would get in on the action. All worked out beautifully and I've already compiled their pics into memory books, which are being printed up by Shutterfly, as we speak. They look forward to their keepsake books which they get to enjoy all year long.
We just completed year number four of our 2 night/3 day sleepovers...( I think I sleep about twice that long once they leave :)
They started this year off with camp t-shirts, assigned camp positions, miniature flashlights and clip boards with paper, pen and stickers. I knew this welcome package would keep them busy for at least 10 minutes, so I had many indoor and outdoor activities, a piñata, foods and movies ready for them. I was determined to find a way to keep these kids entertained and busy. It did work and they all slept well each night.
I would love to hear about your sleepover experiences with your grand babies or kids or whatever comments you'd like to share. Always happy to hear from you!
It has been years since I've posted, but glad to be back! Talk to you again soon!
Bubbie and her kiddos!
Here are a few related links for your reading and learning pleasure:
Camp t-shirts/Camp Fun Stuff for the kids (These are my designs I created for my cousin's camp):
Lots of great cousin's camp ideas:
More great camp ideas I found:
Shutterfly is my go-to for creating books. In case you were interested, here's their website:
We just completed year number four of our 2 night/3 day sleepovers...( I think I sleep about twice that long once they leave :)
They started this year off with camp t-shirts, assigned camp positions, miniature flashlights and clip boards with paper, pen and stickers. I knew this welcome package would keep them busy for at least 10 minutes, so I had many indoor and outdoor activities, a piñata, foods and movies ready for them. I was determined to find a way to keep these kids entertained and busy. It did work and they all slept well each night.
I would love to hear about your sleepover experiences with your grand babies or kids or whatever comments you'd like to share. Always happy to hear from you!
It has been years since I've posted, but glad to be back! Talk to you again soon!
Bubbie and her kiddos!
Here are a few related links for your reading and learning pleasure:
Camp t-shirts/Camp Fun Stuff for the kids (These are my designs I created for my cousin's camp):
Lots of great cousin's camp ideas:
More great camp ideas I found:
Shutterfly is my go-to for creating books. In case you were interested, here's their website:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Music Does A Body Good
"Research shows that kids who are actively involved in music (who play it or sing it regularly):
Music does a body good,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Have you any experiences to share regarding children and music?
Related Article:
Introducing Toddlers to Music
Benefits of Music
- do better in reading and math when they start school
- are better able to focus and control their bodies
- play better with others and have higher self-esteem"
Music does a body good,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Have you any experiences to share regarding children and music?
Related Article:
Introducing Toddlers to Music
Benefits of Music
Monday, March 14, 2011
Children Working At Play

Maria Montessori, a doctor and pioneer educator, believes that "children have a drive for positive interactions with their environment." She states that, "Play meets a basic human instinct for exploration. It is a basic instinct of human beings to master their environments in order to feel safe and secure." This hits home for me as I help Jude explore every inch of his environment. He needs to turn everything upside down and backwards to understand all of it's capabilities, and then some! Who would have thought toy bins can turn into stepping stones, jump-off blocks, stacking toys and lounging chairs. And I'm sure he's got a few more tricks up his sleeves!
Keeping it fun,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. How hard do your kids/grandkids work at play?
Related Article:
Creating Indoor Spaces for Toddlers
stacking toys,
toy bins
Monday, December 6, 2010
Helping Children Learn To Share
Not another call for me! Why isn't the phone ever for him? And they're all crank calls! No one ever answers! This sharing thing is becoming a bit much. He's even feeding me his half eaten pieces of dried cereal, whether I want them or not! Last week he brought me his balls, books and blocks...all at once! I'd like to say he shares with children in the same way, but he's not there just yet. Today Bubbie, tomorrow the world!
Taking one day at a time,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. What were the first signs of sharing from your kids and/or grandkids?
Related Articles:
Teaching Your Child To Share
Social Develpment/Toddlers
Taking one day at a time,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. What were the first signs of sharing from your kids and/or grandkids?
Related Articles:
Teaching Your Child To Share
Social Develpment/Toddlers
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
"Mouthing" Is Normal
And the duck went quack, and the pig said, "oink" and the cow yelled, "help, help help!" As we all learned from our kids, and now the grandkids, everything goes in the mouth! There is actually a term for this called, "mouthing ." Fortunately, after Jude finished "mouthing" the cow, he decided to skip the rooster, pig, and duck, for something much tastier and fur-less...a banana! He was even willing to pass on the peel!
Helping 'em grow,
P.S. Which of the five senses did your children or your grandchildren use most?
Related Articles:
When Your Baby Puts Everything In His Mouth
Prevent Choking
Helping 'em grow,
P.S. Which of the five senses did your children or your grandchildren use most?
Related Articles:
When Your Baby Puts Everything In His Mouth
Prevent Choking
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
First Haircut
My grandson's first haircut did not happen while sitting at the bathroom sink, or in a barber's chair. A salon designed just for kids was chosen for his precious-ness! Today haircuts are performed in trains, planes and automobiles...while watching DVD's or TV on flat screen monitors. Some of these kids' boutiques offer birthday parties, costumes for dress-up, air-hockey, video games, karaoke and toys galore!
I want to go! I say,"Grown-up salons should get with the program!" How about some incentives for us, like: hot hors d'oeuvres, live music, and free round trip tickets to Hawaii!
When I was a kid, we'd get the old, "bowl cut!" And yes, an actual bowl was used! Our entertainment was watching our siblings having a fit because they knew they were next! My kids were lucky! They were introduced to the new and improved version of the "home haircut." Each one got to sit on the vanity, with their feet in the sink, watching in the mirror, while mommy made funny faces to get them through her attempt at cutting their hair. Ah, the good ol' days! A time before we knew someone else could do the job better, faster, and with less band-aids!
Here's to looking good!
P.S. Any haircut traditions in your family?
Related Article and Video:
Tori and Dean at Lollicut/YouTube Video
First Haircut Traditions
I want to go! I say,"Grown-up salons should get with the program!" How about some incentives for us, like: hot hors d'oeuvres, live music, and free round trip tickets to Hawaii!
When I was a kid, we'd get the old, "bowl cut!" And yes, an actual bowl was used! Our entertainment was watching our siblings having a fit because they knew they were next! My kids were lucky! They were introduced to the new and improved version of the "home haircut." Each one got to sit on the vanity, with their feet in the sink, watching in the mirror, while mommy made funny faces to get them through her attempt at cutting their hair. Ah, the good ol' days! A time before we knew someone else could do the job better, faster, and with less band-aids!
Here's to looking good!
P.S. Any haircut traditions in your family?
Related Article and Video:
Tori and Dean at Lollicut/YouTube Video
First Haircut Traditions
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