Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Infants and toddlers Making Music

Jamming with Jude is cheap, and requires no musical background or ability!  Simply turn over a few buckets, pitchers or flat-surfaced objects, grab something to bang with, and sit yourself down.  (Jude's first choice for sitting was the dog, but he quickly found out that dogs like to move to the beat of a drum, too!)
Since I wasn't too terribly coordinated to drum, Jude handed me two wooden blocks for clapping to his tapping, which worked out great!
Please share some of your musical meetings with your grandbabies!
Making music,
Bubbie and Jude

Related Articles:
5 Musical Instruments to Make at Home
Introducing Toddlers to Music
Infants and Toddlers Making Music

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Music Does A Body Good

"Research shows that kids who are actively involved in music (who play it or sing it regularly):
  • do better in reading and math when they start school
  • are better able to focus and control their bodies
  • play better with others and have higher self-esteem"
So glad to learn the stats because it makes Jude's playing a lot easier to listen to.  When he gets into his musical interludes now, it's  music to my ears!  (Although, I think the cats and dog would strongly disagree with me!)

Music does a body good,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Have you any experiences to share regarding children and music?

Related Article:
Introducing Toddlers to Music 
Benefits of Music 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Exercise With The Kids

Watching Jude throwing and chasing his ball was adorable, but once he started using his ball as a form of exercise, I decided he was trying to send me a subtle, "get up and move" message. So I turned on some Disney tunes and copied Jude's moves.  Must say, he gave me a great workout!  Hope he doesn't bring out the weights next time!
Moving right along,
Bubbie and Jude

Related Articles:
Exercising With Your Toddler 
Incorporating Kids Into Your Exercise Routine 
Working Out With Babies And toddlers