I was fortunate to have lots of company during the holidays. Not only did my grandkids stay with me for almost a week, but one of my grand doggies got to join in the fun, too! Although my honey bunnies range in age from 4 to 12, they often engage in the same activities helping each other along the way. Whether we're setting the table, prepping a meal, building candy sculptures, creating art, or blowing bubbles for the dog to pop, there's always something that requires everyones help. The time moves pretty quickly and settling down for a movie each night is a welcome unwind and treat (especially the complimentary popcorn) for all!
Thanks for stopping by!
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Games for Older & Younger Kids
Older Kids Helping Younger Kids
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
The More We Get Together the Happier We Are!
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Grandma! What Long Bangs We Have!
Friday, June 25, 2021
Meet and Greet
"Gentleness is a learned behavior. You can help teach your child to be gentle by modeling the behavior yourself, by having your child role play with a doll or stuffed animal, and by helping your child to be aware that her movements and tone of voice are just as important as gentle touch."
Grayson begins his animal toy playdates with a meet and greet. After lining up all of his animals in a neat row, Grayson gives each a gentle hug, followed by a kiss and a little conversation. He usually calls them by their animal names and uses their animal sounds for communication. Grayson is well versed in a multitude of animal languages. He's corrected me many times :)))))
Gentle hugs from,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Below please find a few links I found helpful:
Play Gently Instead of Roughly
Teaching Your Toddler to be Gentle
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Puppy Love During Covid and Beyond
Here we find Grayson, our compassionate toddler, stepping right up to the plate in order to bring comfort to his puppy, George. I'm not sure if George is fully aware of his new roomate but Grayson took it upon himself to crawl into the crate and snuggle next to George to show he cares.
Our Covid-19 lockdown has created an uptick in sales and adoptions for cats and dogs. For many, bringing in a new member for the family has brought much joy. For this family, George has been a welcome addition. Oh, except for the cat. Yep! The cat's not so happy. Actually she breaks out the wine each time he's out for a walk thinking he's not coming back,...but that's a story for another day :)
Take care, and stay safe.
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her grandbabies, and grand doggies, and grand kitties
Covid-19 Answers from Humane Society
Introducing Kids To A New Puppy Cesars Way
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Tot in a Box
Between cardboard boxes, paper cups, and paper plates, there's always so much fun to be had!
I've included a few links below for lots of active, play ideas for the kids.
Virtual hugs from,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
The Genius of Play
Cardboard Box Play
Fun and Easy Games with Dad
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Blowing Bubbles at the Beach
The day was clear and warm (but not too warm). Actually, it was a perfect day to hit the beach! With very few beach goers other than us, and the "us" refers to myself, my son and my grandson, we were happy campers! I learned that when you pick the middle of the week, earlier in the a.m., not a holiday and with many folks staying in because of Covid 19, you can pretty much have the pick of the land.
So, after staking our claim, time was spent building castles, snacking and jumping the waves. Bubble blowing came last and that was the highlight of my day! Since there was a bit of wind, we had a lot of help with the blowing part. What a great sense of calm we enjoyed as we watched (and Finn giggled) at the size of the bubbles and the distance each traveled before popping. And, my favorite part was that it all happened high enough off of the ground to be sandless :))))))
Hope you're all staying safe and well!
Virtual hugs from Bubbie and her grandbabies!
Enjoy a few wonderful links regarding the many benefits of bubble blowing for young and old:
11 Benefits of Playing with Bubbles
The Health Benefits of Blowing Bubbles for All Ages
Using Bubbles to Help Kids Relieve Stress
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Fighting Boredom During the Shut-In
Stay safe, and be well!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fighting Kids' Boredom during Covid Outbreak
Keeping Kids Pre-K thru 5th Grade Busy
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Getting Along Lovingly During Quarantine Time
Stay well and stay safe!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Families Together in Quarantine
5 Ways to Minimize Family Fighting During COVID 19
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Picnic in the Park-ing Lot
Hoping you're all staying safe and well!
And thanks always to everyone helping others. You are our heroes!
Virtual Hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Safe Play for Kids During Covid19
Best List Ideas Ever for Kids during Covid-19
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Zoom Time with the GrandKids

Friday, April 10, 2020
Home Alone with the Kids!
So, if you're home a lot with the kids these days, don't forget your camera and your imagination for lasting memories.
Stay safe, stay well and a gigantic thank you to everyone helping others through Covid 19.
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
P.S. I've included some links below, with great ideas for "Home Alone" with the kids!
Happy, Busy Learning for Kids at Home
Creative DIY Kids Learning Games
25 Indoor Exercises to Get Kids Moving
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Adorable Animal Links for our Kiddos
Besides that, I'm up to a dollar twenty in change. With nothing to do, I found myself walking around with a rag, cleaner, broom, and vac. My house now has a wonderfully clean smell with a bit of a shine, too. Who knows? This could become habit forming! But, I digress. The real reason for this blog is to share some sweet links I found, which might give our kiddos something to "ooh" and "ahh" about. I know I did! (And don't miss Fiona, the baby hippo. Cute as can be for a hippopotamus!)
Stay safe, wash your hands, and don't forget to floss!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fiona, the baby hippo learns to walk up and down a ramp!
Explore Livecams/Farm Sanctuary, Penguins, Kittens and so much more!
Kinder Playtimes' have a day at the zoo with you.
Monday, February 3, 2020
The Many Benefits to Playing "Hide and Seek"

Continue reading at https://childdevelopmentinfo.com/child-activities/why-playing-hide-and-seek-is-good-for-your-child/#gs.vz5f0d |
Continue reading at https://childdevelopmentinfo.com/child-activities/why-playing-hide-and-seek-is-good-for-your-child/#gs.vz5f0d |
Continue reading at https://childdevelopmentinfo.com/child-activities/why-playing-hide-and-seek-is-good-for-your-child/#gs.vz5f0d |
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Teaching Empathy
Here's hoping you had a wonderfully peaceful and happy holiday and may it continue throughout the New Year!
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Always happy to hear your stories about your kids and/or grandkids!
"What many people don’t realize is that empathy is a learned skill and that teaching empathy from a young age has not only been proven to make children more emotionally and socially competent, it also greatly reduces bullying and can also help them be more successful as adults in the future."
BrightVibes Amplify The Good In The World
Teaching Empathy
Zero to Three Helping Your Child Develop Empathy
Sunday, December 29, 2019
I Spy with my Little Eye, a Chicken!
While de-sticky-ing my house after a great visit with my grandkids, I discovered this little, plastic chicken, clearly left behind by my 2 year old grandson.
During their visit, I had given each child a single-sized can of Pringles. Within minutes the youngest dumped and smashed the chips all over the floor. Pulling out my trusty vacuum cleaner, the mess was cleared, and the vacuum was once again put away.
Obviously, somewhere between snacking on a few Pringles myself and putting the vacuum back, my honey-bunny managed to put the chicken in the hose for a quick game of Hide and Seek.
Thankfully, I found Mr. Chicken before any harm came to him. Mr. Chicken now waits patiently in a basket by my door, which has been designated my official "Lost but luckily Found Things."
Happy Holidays,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to share your kids/grandkids stories. Love to hear them!
Some sweet and funny grandparent quotes.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
A Perfect Kid's Gift

Unless I'm given the exact spelling of what my grandkids want, I'm at a loss. It turns into one big guessing game. I find myself asking store clerks for advice. (Actually begging for advice.)
When the time comes to give my gift, I'm sure to attach the receipt, apologize as it's being opened, and usually have some cookies waiting in the wings. But this time was different. Katie's response was immediate. No receipt or apology was necessary. It was love at first sight. She adores drawing anywhere, anytime. This sweet "Pipity", oil-clothed tote, opened up to all the accessories needed to bring her ideas to life. With an easel, pockets and a shoulder strap, this little honey was ready to get to work at home, in the car, or even at Bubbie's house.
Share with us your successes, suggestions, and thoughts on gift-giving for kids. Love to hear from you!
Bubbie and her grandbabies
How To Choose The Perfect Gift For Your Child
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Coloring Books Verses Blank Paper
All you need is a piece of blank paper and a writing tool and you're off and running...I mean drawing!
This little sweetheart jumped right in with his blue marker and a plan. He clearly had something in mind as he drew his loop-d-loops, squiggly lines and came to his big finish with lots of dots. It was then off to the refrigerator for display and then back to the drawing board for his next dive into a million possibilities.
Although I have coloring books on hand, I usually offer white paper with crayons or markers for coloring fun. My grandkids never turn down the chance to show me what they can do. It's always exciting to hear the stories that lie within the lines.
Share with us your coloring ways with your kids and/or grandkids. Always enjoy hearing from you.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Scholastic/Coloring Inside the Lines
"Preschool (and kindergarten) is a time of exploration, experimentation, and creativity. It is best not to expect your child to try to work within the lines or to try to make perfect letters at this stage."
Why I Don't Buy Colorinng Books for My Kids
"If you want to raise creative kids, skip the coloring books and give them paper and crayons. Encourage them to draw for themselves."
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To Pretend City or Bust
After reading this, I decided I'd better take in as much as I can, since I'm not getting any younger! But for this youngster, without any effort, the learning kicked into high gear from the moment we stepped through their doors, until the need to bribe him to leave. With so much to do, his first decision was where to start. It wasn't too tough to come up with an answer once he spotted a police jacket, hat and car. The outfit stayed on throughout his visiting and working in their store, restaurant, garden, and even performing on stage. What a blast he had! More visits will be coming up in order to explore some more of this beautifully designed play experience.
Although I've been to many great please-touch-me museums over the years, this one has impressed me the most and surely has left a lasting impression on my grand baby! We'll be back!!!
Pretend City Children's Museum
Please share your experiences to museums with your kids and/or grandkids. Always looking for more ideas.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Adventures in Cooking with the Grandkids

Happy Cooking,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
If you've got any easy cooking tips while cooking/baking with your kids or grandkids, I'd love to hear from you!
A Guide to Cookery Skills by Age
"Children will vary in their ability to undertake different cooking activities. Use your own judgment to choose tasks you think are suitable for your child. Safety is the biggest concern, beyond that a little trial and error is all part of the fun."
Baking With Kids: Crack An Egg Like A Pro
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Drawing Out the Best in Kids
This fine day my five year old started slow by choosing and sharpening her favorite colored pencils, while my seven year old jumped in, pens first, anxious to get his ideas recorded quickly.
I watched these kids and observed decision making, eye-hand coordination, concentration and imaginative skills developing. They looked at it as the best part of their day...especially since their Bubbie always has their favorite treats sitting by their side. Works for me!
'Till next time,
Bubbie and her grand kids!
How do you get your kids and/or grand kids to the drawing table?
Why Drawing is Important for Children
The Importance of Drawing for Young Children