Showing posts with label toddler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label toddler. Show all posts

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Adorable Animal Links for our Kiddos

"Hello, Mr. Tails" said the toddler to the new pet goldfish in his home. This new presence is a welcome addition to this household. Waiting out the Coronavirus is giving many of us a chance to slow down and pay attention to things, people and animals, we would normally pass right on by.
Besides that, I'm up to a dollar twenty in change. With nothing to do, I found myself walking around with a rag, cleaner, broom, and vac. My house now has a wonderfully clean smell with a bit of a shine, too. Who knows? This could become habit forming! But, I digress. The real reason for this blog is to share some sweet links I found, which might give our kiddos something to "ooh" and "ahh" about. I know I did! (And don't miss Fiona, the baby hippo. Cute as can be for a hippopotamus!)
Stay safe, wash your hands, and don't forget to floss!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fiona, the baby hippo learns to walk up and down a ramp!
Explore Livecams/Farm Sanctuary, Penguins, Kittens and so much more!
Kinder Playtimes' have a day at the zoo with you.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Perfect Kid's Gift

She liked it! She really liked the gift I gave her. I believe I was more excited than my granddaughter.
Unless I'm given the exact spelling of what my grandkids want, I'm at a loss.  It turns into one big guessing game. I find myself asking store clerks for advice. (Actually begging for advice.)
When the time comes to give my gift, I'm sure to attach the receipt, apologize as it's being opened, and usually have some cookies waiting in the wings. But this time was different. Katie's response was immediate. No receipt or apology was necessary. It was love at first sight. She adores drawing anywhere, anytime. This sweet "Pipity", oil-clothed tote, opened up to all the accessories needed to bring her ideas to life. With an easel, pockets and a shoulder strap, this little honey was ready to get to work at home, in the car, or even at Bubbie's house. 
Share with us your successes, suggestions, and thoughts on gift-giving for kids. Love to hear from you!
Bubbie and her grandbabies 
How To Choose The Perfect Gift For Your Child

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ready, Aim, Open!

Not knowing how much help would be needed for this meal, I came prepared with extra spoons, napkins and wet wipes.  Buckled into his seat belt, with tray snapped in place, I sat close, but not too close. There was no hesitation as he grabbed the spoon and aimed for the cherry sitting at the top. It was love at first bite for this tasty treat. Yes! Hands, fingers and both ends of the spoon were used to scrape every last drop from it's container, but it was worth it...especially for this Bubbie's viewing pleasure!
Bubbie and her Grand Babies!
Always loving to hear your babies/grandbabies feeding experiences! 
Teaching Baby To Feed Himself
"Learning to scoop cereal in a spoon, stab a green bean with a fork and steer a loaded utensil to the mouth are all great ways for your baby to practice hand eye coordination skills , or "Visual Motor Skills" as child development nerds like me call them."-Rachel Coley-
When Should You Give Baby A Spoon
Toddler Milestone: Self-Care

Friday, July 6, 2012

Fireworks on the Fourth of July

After a delicious day of barbecuing with friends and family, there's nothing like bringing the July 4th holiday to a close with some high soaring, breath taking fireworks! (Especially when you get to watch them from a distance, without the ear piercing sound effects!) We took a short walk to the corner of the block, looked up to the sky, and there it was in all it's glory! Jude was full of oohs and aahs as he watched the sky light up with sparkling bursts of color every where. Elliot, of course had the best seat in the house...mommy's arms!
Hope you all had a wonderful 4th!
Bubbie and the Grandbabies
We'd love to hear about your 4th of July holidays with your grandchildren!
Related Articles:
Fourth of July and Your Toddler
Kids Fourth of July Crafts

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Learning The Alphabet

"Most children begin recognizing some letters between the ages of 2 and 3 and can identify most letters between 4 and 5. This means that you can start teaching your child the alphabet when he's around 2 — but don't expect full mastery for some time."
Jude's playing with magnetic letters has become a learning experience for me, too!  First he figured out they can stick, followed by the discovery that some letters match, and I believe he's now trying to figure out how to line them up to make patterns.  Learning the letters will come, there's just so many other things that this toddler needs to explore first!   
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Have any good tips on teaching the ABC's?
Related Articles:
10 Ways To teach the Alphabet 
Suggestions for Learning the Alphabet 
Should I Teach the Alphabet before Kindergarden