Showing posts with label children's museums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children's museums. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2019

To Pretend City or Bust

"We build better brains at Pretend City Children's Museum"
After reading this,  I decided I'd better take in as much as I can, since I'm not getting any younger! But for this youngster, without any effort, the learning kicked into high gear from the moment we stepped through their doors, until the need to bribe him to leave. With so much to do, his first decision was where to start. It wasn't too tough to come up with an answer once he spotted a police jacket, hat and car. The outfit stayed on throughout his visiting and working in their store, restaurant, garden, and even performing on stage. What a blast he had!  More visits will be coming up in order to explore some more of this beautifully designed play experience.
Although I've been to many great please-touch-me museums over the years, this one has impressed me the most and surely has left a lasting impression on my grand baby! We'll be back!!!
Pretend City Children's Museum
Please share your experiences to museums with your kids and/or grandkids. Always looking for more ideas.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies