Showing posts with label grandchildren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandchildren. Show all posts

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Grandma! What Long Bangs We Have!

Since my grandkids were shut-in during the Covid shut-down, they decided to see how long their hair could grow. While visiting with me the other day, they wanted a photo so they could compare whose bangs were longest. This was actually a great way to get them to stay still long enough for a picture. Who knew:?) Now, if my dad were around he would have defeated the purpose of the photo by telling the boys to comb their hair out of their eyes before I snapped the shot! (Lucky for them, I didn't follow in their great-grandpop's footsteps.) Anyway, although I had the immediate answer for them on my phone, they still disputed over who's bangs were longest. The oldest declared that since he was the oldest, his head was the biggest, so his bangs were actually the longest. The middle child felt that he had won hands-down regardless. But the youngest pointed out that his nose was in the way causing his bangs to look shorter. Not wanting to squelch any of their theories, I quickly ran out of the room asking them to follow me, because I continued to tell them that I suddenly remembered there were cookies in the kitchen that needed finding. That worked! Next time, I'll hide my phone :)
Bubbie and her Grandboys

Friday, April 16, 2021

A Coving-Out Party

It had been 18 months since my sweethearts were together due to Covid. Wow! They were chomping at the bit to break loose and stir up some fun and laughter...and that is just what they did! Although, this was not a full-on Bubbie's camp, we did pack quite a bit of noise and catching-up into a one-night, two-day stay. Even, one of my grand doggies got into the act. When we said, "say cheese," good old Storm held his own. Storm did not miss a beat when it came to tag, relays, or ball play. He was in it till the end. Everyone slept soundly that night, and after they left, and I cleaned up a lot of the sticky, I slept an additional few days, just for good measure. Can't wait for another! I'll be planning a full version of Bubbie's camp this summer, including t-shirts and our "Happy Birthday to Everybody" party! I say, "get 'em while they're young, because they grow up before ya' know it :)"
Bubbie and all her grandbabies...and Storm

Friday, January 29, 2021

Training Kids to Train Puppies

"Having a dog is a great way to set rules for your children and teach them about responsibilities." so says Ceasar. Since our shut-in, due to Covid-19, I've been watching Ceasar's words come to fruition with my grandchildren and their new, furry critters slowly acclamating to each of their households. It didn't take long for love, laughter and some major adjustments to quickly take place while rules and chores were divied out to keep order, as best as could be expected. I'm thrilled to report at this time that the kids are loving their dogs, the dogs are loving their kids, and their houses are still standing!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grand kids and her Grand doggies plus one Cat! 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Zoom Time with the GrandKids

It's been quite a while since I've been able to visit my grandbabies because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Not knowing exactly how much longer I'd be waiting, I took to YouTube videos and learned how to Zoom. I was ready to test out my newly acquired skills on my 6 honey bunnies.  I invited them all to a Show and Tell party. Considering they ranged in age from 2 years old to 10, I decided to begin with the youngest and work our way up. My invitation mapped out my plan to their parents. Each child was asked to have something ready to share. Our call began with our two-year-old holding his favorite horsie while we sang Old Macdonald. He loved filling in all of the animals' sounds as we went along. Without missing a beat sweet pea number 2 showed us how to carefully build a Batman car with his legos. Cutie number 3 performed acrobatic tricks while her sister tumbled masterfully alongside her. My two oldest grandsons then dazzled us with a magic trick involving 2 sofa pillows and a ton of giggles, for our grand finale. Since this event gave everyone a chance to share their favorite things, it ended on a happy note! We're all looking forward to another Zoom-a-Palooza!
I've included a few links with ideas for your own video chats. Enjoy!
Stay well, stay safe, and keep in touch with family and friends. 
Virtual hugs, 
Bubbie and her Grandbabies

Sunday, December 29, 2019

I Spy with my Little Eye, a Chicken!

Yes, my friends, that is a chicken in my vacuum hose. Kids do do the darndest things!
While de-sticky-ing my house after a great visit with my grandkids, I discovered this little, plastic chicken, clearly left behind by my 2 year old grandson.
During their visit, I had given each child a single-sized can of Pringles. Within minutes the youngest dumped and smashed the chips all over the floor. Pulling out my trusty vacuum cleaner, the mess was cleared, and the vacuum was once again put away.
Obviously, somewhere between snacking on a few Pringles myself and putting the vacuum back, my honey-bunny managed to put the chicken in the hose for a quick game of Hide and Seek.
Thankfully, I found Mr. Chicken before any harm came to him. Mr. Chicken now waits patiently in a basket by my door, which has been designated my official "Lost but luckily Found Things."
Happy Holidays,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to share your kids/grandkids stories. Love to hear them!
Some sweet and funny grandparent quotes.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Toddlers and Babies

Watching my two grandchildren get along in play today was wonderful! Jude got to show off his "look what I can do" skills, while Katie cheered him on with her cooing and kicking! Having two years between them helped a sharing issues! It was nice to see Jude's gentle and kind attitude towards the baby.  Hoping he feels the same when his new baby brother arrives in 2012!
Happy babysitting,
Bubbie, Jude and Katie, too!
P.S. Any helpful hints on preparing children for a new baby in the home?
Related Article:
Avoiding Sibling Rivalry when Bringing a New Baby Home
How to Help Your Child Accept a New Baby

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Magnetic Drawing Board and Pen

"Look Ma, no crayons or paper!" Now, I love a good mess as well as the next guy, but this magnetic drawing board is too sweet for words!  Jude can scribble away, then erase and start again, and it's terrific for hand-eye coordination!  Reminds me of playing with Wooly Willie, as a kid.  Willie also came with a pen which was used to move magnet dust around, for adding features, like hair, beard and a mustache. 

Here's to the good old days, and the good new days,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  Let's here about your memories of favorite toys from the past, that may be similar to the toys being used by your grandchildren in the present!
Related Articles:
Wooly Willie 
Magnetic Drawing Toy 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Soap Crayons For Bathtub Fun

So, I had to open up the bathroom door to find out why Jude was trying to break in. He knew exactly what he wanted as he excitedly began yelling and pointing at the soap crayons on an upper ledge in the tub.  Handing him one green crayon was not good enough.  He needed all three with caps off in order to begin his masterpiece on his porcelain canvas.  Wow, was I impressed with his newly acquired drawing skills.  And when he was willing to move on to another activity, his art work wiped down easily with a damp cloth.  Next time I plan on water coloring with my friends, I'm inviting them all over to my bathroom for some real fun!
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  What form of art have you explored with your grandchildren?
Related Article:
How To Make Your Own Soap Crayons 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cleaning Up Can Be Fun For Kids

Toy storage bins seem to have taken the place of the big, old toy chests.  When I first saw this, I thought it was a fantastic idea.  Categorizing toys into their own bins!  What could be better, or simpler?  Stuffed dolls in one, balls in another, etc., etc. Twelve opportunities for separation!  Wow!  And this probably would work out swell, as long as there are no toddlers within arms reach of the unit!  Once in contact, there must be this little voice in their heads that say, "Tear that sucker apart!  Dump it all!  Leave no bins unturned!" When all is said and done, there lies the opportunity to sing my favorite song, "It's Clean Up Time Again!"   
Ah kids, 'ya gotta' love 'em!
I know I do,
P.S.  How do you encourage your grandchildren to clean up after themselves?

Related Articles:
Making Clean-Up Fun For Kids
Clean-Up Songs

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Learning Through Imitation

"Imitation is the sincerest of flattery!"  Quoted from Charles Caleb Colton , and being practiced by Jude, the 20-month- old copycat .  This is where parenting really gets to be fun !  Not only do toddlers want to imitate you, but in turn, they want you to imitate them.  Good thing I'm only the grand mom, because at this point that boy can out bend me, out spin me, and yes, out dance me!  
Simon Says, "bye for now,"
P.S.  Share some fun copycat moments you've had with your grandchildren.
Related Articles:
Video/Games To Encourage Imitation 
Children Learn By Imitating Behavior Of Parents 
Quotes From Charles Caleb Colton 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Say "Yes" To Play

Discovering what your hands can do can be pretty funny, especially when you blow raspberries into your palms and feel the tickle!  Jude came up with this new game in the middle of "Open Shut Them !"  We were on "creep them, creep them, creep them, creep them, right up to your chin," when all of a sudden Jude thought I needed some comic relief.  He was so right!  Oh, and if you're tempted to try this yourself, the wetter the better!  (Just a little coaching tip from a toddler who knows!)
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. What fantastic discoveries  have you watched your grandchildren come up with?
Related Articles:
What Young Children Learn Through Play 
Words to Open Shut Them 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Mouthing" Is Normal

And the duck went quack, and the pig said, "oink" and the cow yelled, "help, help help!"  As we all learned from our kids, and now the grandkids, everything goes in the mouth!  There is actually a term for this called, "mouthing ." Fortunately, after Jude finished "mouthing" the cow, he decided to skip the rooster, pig, and duck, for something much tastier and fur-less...a banana! He was even willing to pass on the peel!
Helping 'em grow,
P.S. Which of the five senses did your children or your grandchildren use most?
Related Articles:
When Your Baby Puts Everything In His Mouth
Prevent Choking

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Toddlers Learn How To Wash Their Hands

Hands dirty?  Too busy playing to wash up?  Do like Jude does!  Locate a dog near you, hold out your hands, and let the cleansing begin!  This takes but a minute, especially if the residue on your fingers and palms are made up of cheesy poof crumbs. The tastier your mess, the faster the clean-up.  Take it from Jude, it's a time saver!
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  What shortcuts have your grandchildren taught you?
Related Article and Video:
Is A Dog's Tongue Cleaner Than A Humans?
How Do Toddlers Learn To Wash Their Hands (video)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Helping Toddlers Figure It Out

Whoever came up with the sliding board, sure knew how to have fun!  Jude has discovered that there is more than one way to slide down, and more ways than one to go up! 
It's adorable to watch the surprised look on Jude's face each time his slide is complete.  He can't quite figure out what's making him stop.  The ride is over, but "why?"
P.S.  How do you manage to help your grandkids figure things out?
Related Article:
Letting Toddler "Figure It Out" Helps In The Longrun

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lessons Learned From Our Grandkids

Been a while since I've blogged...3 days actually.  In the middle of a move and I don't always have access to a computer.  Pretty lost without one!  This recent picture of my grandson reminded me of myself right now.  Moving things around from place to place, but not exactly sure where to put everything. I should take a lesson from Jude.  He's keeping things simple.  Only working with a few items at a time, and managing them in a limited amount of space.  I like how this boy thinks! 
Best regards,
P.S.  What lessons have you learned from your grandkids?
Related Article:
Lessons We Can Learn From Our Grandchildren 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Role Modeling

At first I thought this was absolutely adorable...Jude wanting to open and close Bubbie's cell phone, and pretend he's talking.  But as I watched him a little more closely, I noticed his:
- "loss of eye contact" look
- his "oblivious to the world" look  
- his repetitive speech pattern, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"
OMG!  Jude was copying ME!  How did I miss that?
I wonder how many other people he's shown his act to?  
Watching my P's and Q's,
Bubbie or soon to be known as, "the blah, blah, blah Bubbie!"
P.S.  Any planned or accidental role modeling traits your grandchildren or children have gotten from you?
P.S.S.  Ahh, I still think it's absolutely adorable!!!
Related Article:
A Grandparents' Guide For Family Nurturing and Safety