Yes, my friends, that is a chicken in my vacuum hose. Kids do do the darndest things!
While de-sticky-ing my house after a great visit with my grandkids, I discovered this little, plastic chicken, clearly left behind by my 2 year old grandson.
During their visit, I had given each child a single-sized can of Pringles. Within minutes the youngest dumped and smashed the chips all over the floor. Pulling out my trusty vacuum cleaner, the mess was cleared, and the vacuum was once again put away.
Obviously, somewhere between snacking on a few Pringles myself and putting the vacuum back, my honey-bunny managed to put the chicken in the hose for a quick game of Hide and Seek.
Thankfully, I found Mr. Chicken before any harm came to him. Mr. Chicken now waits patiently in a basket by my door, which has been designated my official "Lost but luckily Found Things."
Happy Holidays,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to share your kids/grandkids stories. Love to hear them!
Some sweet and funny grandparent quotes.
Sunday, December 29, 2019
I Spy with my Little Eye, a Chicken!
children and play,
farm animals,
funny children's blog,
grand babies,
Sunday, December 22, 2019
A Perfect Kid's Gift

Unless I'm given the exact spelling of what my grandkids want, I'm at a loss. It turns into one big guessing game. I find myself asking store clerks for advice. (Actually begging for advice.)
When the time comes to give my gift, I'm sure to attach the receipt, apologize as it's being opened, and usually have some cookies waiting in the wings. But this time was different. Katie's response was immediate. No receipt or apology was necessary. It was love at first sight. She adores drawing anywhere, anytime. This sweet "Pipity", oil-clothed tote, opened up to all the accessories needed to bring her ideas to life. With an easel, pockets and a shoulder strap, this little honey was ready to get to work at home, in the car, or even at Bubbie's house.
Share with us your successes, suggestions, and thoughts on gift-giving for kids. Love to hear from you!
Bubbie and her grandbabies
How To Choose The Perfect Gift For Your Child
art supplies,
birthday gifts,
birthday parties,
birthday presents,
colored pencils,
coloring pages,
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Coloring Books Verses Blank Paper
Draw anything your little heart desires...imagine that!
All you need is a piece of blank paper and a writing tool and you're off and running...I mean drawing!
This little sweetheart jumped right in with his blue marker and a plan. He clearly had something in mind as he drew his loop-d-loops, squiggly lines and came to his big finish with lots of dots. It was then off to the refrigerator for display and then back to the drawing board for his next dive into a million possibilities.
Although I have coloring books on hand, I usually offer white paper with crayons or markers for coloring fun. My grandkids never turn down the chance to show me what they can do. It's always exciting to hear the stories that lie within the lines.
Share with us your coloring ways with your kids and/or grandkids. Always enjoy hearing from you.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Scholastic/Coloring Inside the Lines
"Preschool (and kindergarten) is a time of exploration, experimentation, and creativity. It is best not to expect your child to try to work within the lines or to try to make perfect letters at this stage."
Why I Don't Buy Colorinng Books for My Kids
"If you want to raise creative kids, skip the coloring books and give them paper and crayons. Encourage them to draw for themselves."
All you need is a piece of blank paper and a writing tool and you're off and running...I mean drawing!
This little sweetheart jumped right in with his blue marker and a plan. He clearly had something in mind as he drew his loop-d-loops, squiggly lines and came to his big finish with lots of dots. It was then off to the refrigerator for display and then back to the drawing board for his next dive into a million possibilities.
Although I have coloring books on hand, I usually offer white paper with crayons or markers for coloring fun. My grandkids never turn down the chance to show me what they can do. It's always exciting to hear the stories that lie within the lines.
Share with us your coloring ways with your kids and/or grandkids. Always enjoy hearing from you.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Scholastic/Coloring Inside the Lines
"Preschool (and kindergarten) is a time of exploration, experimentation, and creativity. It is best not to expect your child to try to work within the lines or to try to make perfect letters at this stage."
Why I Don't Buy Colorinng Books for My Kids
"If you want to raise creative kids, skip the coloring books and give them paper and crayons. Encourage them to draw for themselves."
Saturday, November 16, 2019
To Pretend City or Bust
"We build better brains at Pretend City Children's Museum"
After reading this, I decided I'd better take in as much as I can, since I'm not getting any younger! But for this youngster, without any effort, the learning kicked into high gear from the moment we stepped through their doors, until the need to bribe him to leave. With so much to do, his first decision was where to start. It wasn't too tough to come up with an answer once he spotted a police jacket, hat and car. The outfit stayed on throughout his visiting and working in their store, restaurant, garden, and even performing on stage. What a blast he had! More visits will be coming up in order to explore some more of this beautifully designed play experience.
Although I've been to many great please-touch-me museums over the years, this one has impressed me the most and surely has left a lasting impression on my grand baby! We'll be back!!!
Pretend City Children's Museum
Please share your experiences to museums with your kids and/or grandkids. Always looking for more ideas.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
After reading this, I decided I'd better take in as much as I can, since I'm not getting any younger! But for this youngster, without any effort, the learning kicked into high gear from the moment we stepped through their doors, until the need to bribe him to leave. With so much to do, his first decision was where to start. It wasn't too tough to come up with an answer once he spotted a police jacket, hat and car. The outfit stayed on throughout his visiting and working in their store, restaurant, garden, and even performing on stage. What a blast he had! More visits will be coming up in order to explore some more of this beautifully designed play experience.
Although I've been to many great please-touch-me museums over the years, this one has impressed me the most and surely has left a lasting impression on my grand baby! We'll be back!!!
Pretend City Children's Museum
Please share your experiences to museums with your kids and/or grandkids. Always looking for more ideas.
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Sunday, October 27, 2019
At Your Service
Yeah, I'll have one of those scrumptious pink, plastic, ice cream scoops, and a bag of waxed sorry...I mean a number one meal with a vanilla shake! Oh, the goodies you'll be served at this McDonald's is beyond belief. This three year old can keep up with the best of 'em! He's hard working, attentive to detail, and doesn't skimp on product. I think he's ready for the next step!...Bubbie's kitchen! Filled with ingredients for a good old fashioned ice cream soda and plenty of wet wipes on the side!
Stop by anytime. Hours of operation are dependent on naps :)
Comments always welcome!
Bubbie and her Grand Babies
Pretend Play
"Pretend play serves many purposes and helps to push the boundaries of play.
The imagination of a child is priceless. Pretend play is a thinking skill."
How Children Benefit From Pretend Play
Stop by anytime. Hours of operation are dependent on naps :)
Comments always welcome!
Bubbie and her Grand Babies
Pretend Play
"Pretend play serves many purposes and helps to push the boundaries of play.
The imagination of a child is priceless. Pretend play is a thinking skill."
How Children Benefit From Pretend Play
Sunday, October 20, 2019
When Big Brother is Away...
When big brother is away, little brother will climb on his bed, get into his toys, rearrange his room, and then Bubbie has to remember where everything went, and put it all back together before big brother comes home! Whew! I get quite a workout on those days!
BTW: The little one and I have discussed telling his big brother about this little secret of ours, but we both decided that some things are best left unsaid...especially when the telling will get us in a heap of trouble :))))))))))
How do you keep your little ones from messing with their siblings belongings? Would love to hear your ideas!
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
How to Sibling Proof Your Room
BTW: The little one and I have discussed telling his big brother about this little secret of ours, but we both decided that some things are best left unsaid...especially when the telling will get us in a heap of trouble :))))))))))
How do you keep your little ones from messing with their siblings belongings? Would love to hear your ideas!
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
How to Sibling Proof Your Room
"Keep a box of things in your room that your siblings are allowed to use.
This will encourage them to play with only what you allow them to.
Consider changing some of the items in it once a week or so. Tell them
that they have to clean up after themselves whenever they use it, or you
won’t add new items to the bin."
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Adventures in Cooking with the Grandkids

Happy Cooking,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
If you've got any easy cooking tips while cooking/baking with your kids or grandkids, I'd love to hear from you!
A Guide to Cookery Skills by Age
"Children will vary in their ability to undertake different cooking activities. Use your own judgment to choose tasks you think are suitable for your child. Safety is the biggest concern, beyond that a little trial and error is all part of the fun."
Baking With Kids: Crack An Egg Like A Pro
baking with kids,
cooking with children,
easy baking tips,
easy cooking tips,
easy tips,
grand babies blog,
teaching kids how to scramble eggs
Friday, October 4, 2019
Ready, Aim, Open!

Bubbie and her Grand Babies!
Always loving to hear your babies/grandbabies feeding experiences!
Teaching Baby To Feed Himself
"Learning to scoop cereal in a spoon, stab a green bean with a fork and steer a loaded utensil to the mouth are all great ways for your baby to practice hand eye coordination skills , or "Visual Motor Skills" as child development nerds like me call them."-Rachel Coley-
When Should You Give Baby A Spoon
Toddler Milestone: Self-Care
Friday, September 20, 2019
A Water Colorist : The Real Deal
Who knew how much joy I could bring into the life of one of my kiddos with a blackboard, a thick paintbrush and a small amount of water in a cup? Well, apparently a lot! And, who knew he would take it so seriously? The places he went on this adventure was extraordinary! Starting out with lines, which circled back to shapes, and with some added dots, he explained his compilation of monsters, ghosts and a dinosaur pushing through the crowd! With so much effort and concentration called for, a snack was in order. Soon my grand baby was satisfied and ready to create another work of art on a completely dry canvas. This Bubbie was also overjoyed with this mess-free activity!
Please share your no-mess or just-a-little-mess solutions for your kids and/or grandkids:)
Stress-Free, Mess-Free Water Play
13 No-Mess Activities for Kids
See you next time,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Please share your no-mess or just-a-little-mess solutions for your kids and/or grandkids:)
Stress-Free, Mess-Free Water Play
13 No-Mess Activities for Kids
See you next time,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Drawing Out the Best in Kids
Bringing out large sheets of white paper with drawing supplies is always a hit at Bubbie's house. My grand kids know I can't wait to hang their masterpieces on my fridge, for all to admire.
This fine day my five year old started slow by choosing and sharpening her favorite colored pencils, while my seven year old jumped in, pens first, anxious to get his ideas recorded quickly.
I watched these kids and observed decision making, eye-hand coordination, concentration and imaginative skills developing. They looked at it as the best part of their day...especially since their Bubbie always has their favorite treats sitting by their side. Works for me!
'Till next time,
Bubbie and her grand kids!
How do you get your kids and/or grand kids to the drawing table?
Why Drawing is Important for Children
The Importance of Drawing for Young Children
This fine day my five year old started slow by choosing and sharpening her favorite colored pencils, while my seven year old jumped in, pens first, anxious to get his ideas recorded quickly.
I watched these kids and observed decision making, eye-hand coordination, concentration and imaginative skills developing. They looked at it as the best part of their day...especially since their Bubbie always has their favorite treats sitting by their side. Works for me!
'Till next time,
Bubbie and her grand kids!
How do you get your kids and/or grand kids to the drawing table?
Why Drawing is Important for Children
The Importance of Drawing for Young Children
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Kids and their Nintendo Switches/Game Consoles
After being told where my grandson was playing with his friend, I stepped into his room. Something didn't sound right! It was completely silent. There was no movement. There was no interaction between friends. Just two boys, on opposite sides of the room, playing on their Nintendo Switches (game consoles), each absorbed in their own worlds. "Hmm..." I thought out loud. "Here's a novel idea. How about you both find a game you like and play together on one Nintendo Switch?" They did! They liked it and in my book, they were now playing! I left the room hearing laughter, squealing, smiling and lots of communicating. Music to my ears :)
What kind of activities go on between your kids/grandkids and their friends. Care to share? I would love to hear about it!
Gaming Consoles in 2019
Handling Children's Gaming Play Positively
Till next time,
Bubbie and her grandkids
What kind of activities go on between your kids/grandkids and their friends. Care to share? I would love to hear about it!
Gaming Consoles in 2019
Handling Children's Gaming Play Positively
Till next time,
Bubbie and her grandkids
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Grayson's Fifth
Since this 22 month old grandson of mine loves to climb, keeping him off of the piano has become a losing battle. Pulling himself onto the center of the bench is now routine. Once situated, he then proceeds to entertain me with not one, but many versions of Grayson's 5th. Although he's practiced this piece many times, it seems that it has a way of banging itself out differently each time he plays. Fortunately, this pleases him so much that he has a tendency to play louder at each performance. (Maybe I should applaud less :)))) I'm just thankful that he can't reach the pedals yet!
"Learning piano at a young age offers many benefits. It builds confidence and develops creative expression, and studying a musical instrument increases spatial awareness and helps children score higher in reading and math tests than their non-musical counterparts.", so states
Techniques for Teaching 2-Year-Olds to Play Piano
Having had music lessons as a child, I offered it to all of my kids when they were young. Two of the three still enjoy playing today.
Please share your experiences with playing music yourself at an early age, or your kids or grandkids. Always love hearing from you!
Signing off for now,
Bubbie and her grandbabies
"Learning piano at a young age offers many benefits. It builds confidence and develops creative expression, and studying a musical instrument increases spatial awareness and helps children score higher in reading and math tests than their non-musical counterparts.", so states
Techniques for Teaching 2-Year-Olds to Play Piano
Having had music lessons as a child, I offered it to all of my kids when they were young. Two of the three still enjoy playing today.
Please share your experiences with playing music yourself at an early age, or your kids or grandkids. Always love hearing from you!
Signing off for now,
Bubbie and her grandbabies
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Long Lines at the Gate
Yes, it was early in the day, but still the line was long. Patiently waiting, everyone eventually got their turn around the ottoman, past the bucket of blocks and finally back to the unloading zone. This preschooler was smart. As a creative business man, he gave free rides to his first group of customers, and then brought toy money into his storyline. He made out like a bandit! Thirty minutes later, with a pocket full of change, the animals were back in there respective bins and this little sweetie-pie was ready for a snack. I never know what is about to unfold as toys come to the floor, but it's always a blast to see what sits in the mind of a three year old!
I would love to hear about your grand kids and/or kids imaginative play. Also, if you have a favorite kid's link, let me know. Care to share :?)
'Till next time.
Bubbie and her grand babies
"Playing is how preschoolers learn, experiment and solve problems. In fact, play is vital for their overall development and well being."
Imagining, Creating and Play:Toddlers
Preschoolers at Play
I would love to hear about your grand kids and/or kids imaginative play. Also, if you have a favorite kid's link, let me know. Care to share :?)
'Till next time.
Bubbie and her grand babies
"Playing is how preschoolers learn, experiment and solve problems. In fact, play is vital for their overall development and well being."
Imagining, Creating and Play:Toddlers
Preschoolers at Play
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Plush Toys and Kids
It was a beautiful Thursday morning. My grand daughters and I arrived at the mall just as they opened, and we were off and running to pick out their birthday gifts. I told them how much they could spend and insisted they look in 3 stores before they make up their minds. We began our shopping spree in Justice, a kids clothing shop, followed by The Disney Store and last but not least we went into Build-a-Bear. Although they squealed with delight in the first 2 stores, their little hearts melted when they saw a room filled with stuffed animals. It was love at first sight and they had to have them. Not only did they have a blast, but it was great fun for me too! For an hour and a half they enjoyed stuffing, fluffing, brushing, dressing and naming their puppy and kitty. The hugging and loving part started the minute we walked out of the store and continued the whole drive home. I even got in on their love fest as I dropped the girls off and stole a few hugs for myself.
Until next time, and thanks for stopping by!
Bubbie and the girls
P.S. This reminded me of how helpful dolls and plush were to my own kids when they were young.
"These playthings have unique advantages over other toys, researchers say. Because kids know that a plush puppy or a princess doll represents a living thing, they can relate and attach emotions to it. Playing with these "friends" allows kids to explore their complex feelings."
Below find links to articles on playing with plush:
Teaching Toys
The Importance of Plush Toys In Your Child's Life
Until next time, and thanks for stopping by!
Bubbie and the girls
P.S. This reminded me of how helpful dolls and plush were to my own kids when they were young.
"These playthings have unique advantages over other toys, researchers say. Because kids know that a plush puppy or a princess doll represents a living thing, they can relate and attach emotions to it. Playing with these "friends" allows kids to explore their complex feelings."
Below find links to articles on playing with plush:
Teaching Toys
The Importance of Plush Toys In Your Child's Life
Monday, July 29, 2019
Cousins Camp
I tried. I really did! Taking pictures of my 6 grandkids was like getting a new litter of excited puppies to stay still. They were so happy to see each other that the last thing they wanted to do was strike a pose. After many failed attempts I settled on individual shots, and if I got lucky, another grandchild or two would get in on the action. All worked out beautifully and I've already compiled their pics into memory books, which are being printed up by Shutterfly, as we speak. They look forward to their keepsake books which they get to enjoy all year long.
We just completed year number four of our 2 night/3 day sleepovers...( I think I sleep about twice that long once they leave :)
They started this year off with camp t-shirts, assigned camp positions, miniature flashlights and clip boards with paper, pen and stickers. I knew this welcome package would keep them busy for at least 10 minutes, so I had many indoor and outdoor activities, a piƱata, foods and movies ready for them. I was determined to find a way to keep these kids entertained and busy. It did work and they all slept well each night.
I would love to hear about your sleepover experiences with your grand babies or kids or whatever comments you'd like to share. Always happy to hear from you!
It has been years since I've posted, but glad to be back! Talk to you again soon!
Bubbie and her kiddos!
Here are a few related links for your reading and learning pleasure:
Camp t-shirts/Camp Fun Stuff for the kids (These are my designs I created for my cousin's camp):
Lots of great cousin's camp ideas:
More great camp ideas I found:
Shutterfly is my go-to for creating books. In case you were interested, here's their website:
We just completed year number four of our 2 night/3 day sleepovers...( I think I sleep about twice that long once they leave :)
They started this year off with camp t-shirts, assigned camp positions, miniature flashlights and clip boards with paper, pen and stickers. I knew this welcome package would keep them busy for at least 10 minutes, so I had many indoor and outdoor activities, a piƱata, foods and movies ready for them. I was determined to find a way to keep these kids entertained and busy. It did work and they all slept well each night.
I would love to hear about your sleepover experiences with your grand babies or kids or whatever comments you'd like to share. Always happy to hear from you!
It has been years since I've posted, but glad to be back! Talk to you again soon!
Bubbie and her kiddos!
Here are a few related links for your reading and learning pleasure:
Camp t-shirts/Camp Fun Stuff for the kids (These are my designs I created for my cousin's camp):
Lots of great cousin's camp ideas:
More great camp ideas I found:
Shutterfly is my go-to for creating books. In case you were interested, here's their website:
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