Saturday, October 16, 2010

Honk, honk, rattle, rattle, rattle, crash, beep, beep!

How cute is this?  Forget the boring strollers I used when I took my kids for walks!  The new generation of parents get to push their toddlers in toy cars, and covered wagons with built-in seats! These fun push or pull strollers feature seat belts, cup holders, storage bins, and guarantee a safe, smooth ride! Best of all, the little ones seem to love it!  Jude kicks back and relaxes in his seat, honking the horn in between sipping his  juice, and munching on his raisins while I do all the work! I've come up with some additional suggestions: a motorized, air-conditioned seat, and overhead umbrella for the driver...just a thought!
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Please share some of your favorite walks with your grandkids.  Would love to hear about them!
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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reasoning With A Toddler

There is one rocking horse at the neighborhood playground, where I take Jude in the afternoons.  One horse which often has a line of toddlers waiting for a turn...and toddlers are not the best "waiters!"  I've tried to point out to the kids that there are nine, (count them..."nine"), healthy, hearty, rocking cows in the same pen anxious to give them the ride of their lives! But nooooo! Nobody wants a cow ride!  Only a horsie ride!  I'm sure these cows are perfectly capable of giving a smooth, even rock. But for whatever reason, and it's a challenge to reason with a toddler, the horse remains the playground favorite, every time. 
Happy trails to you,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  How do you reason with your grandchildren?

Related Articles:

What Toddlers Laugh At

Jude loves the element of surprise.  All I have to do is hide behind or under something, then pop back up with an excited and silly look on my face while I yell, "Boo!" Works every time!  I think I should try this exercise on all people I meet during the day, who seem to be in a grumpy mood.  I could jump out at cashiers from behind the counters, waitresses from under the booths, and maybe even a store clerk from behind the clothes rack! Think of all the possibilities!  Hmmm...I just did...on second thought, I think I'll stick with the little ones!
Keep 'em laughing,
P.S. How do you get your grandkids giggling?
Related Articles:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toddlers and Naps

Can't say that nap time is a highlight in Jude's day, like most toddlers, he'd rather not take the break.  Think of all he might miss!  There's climbing, running, jumping, throwing, falling, eating, drinking, chasing...and that's in between laughing, dancing and clapping! I've tried explaining to Jude the health benefits, both emotionally and physically to a good afternoon nap, but he's never interested in listening to what I have to say, even when I try to sing it to him in rhyme. Our routine always remains the same: Watch Raffi sing, "Baby Beluga" while drinking warm milk from a sippy cup,,, then listen to Jude give his 30 second protest while grabbing for his "luvies" just before he drifts off to sleep
Sweet dreams,
"Sleeping Beauty's" Bubbie
P.S. Any tricks for getting the kids or grandbabies down for their nap?
Related Articles:
How To Help Your Toddler Nap 
Andrea Bocelli Sings Elmo To Sleep/YouTube Video 

Animal-Kid Stories

What's more fun than any of the toys in a child's room, including the hottest ones that just had to be bought?  Answer: A live, loving, lazy pussy cat ...of course!  Especially one who cooperates long enough to satisfy the short attention span of an 18 month old!  This cat didn't know what she was in for when she innocently jumped onto Jude's table, and decided to stretch out in front of him.  You can't blame Jude for needing to find out if Molly matched up to his other playthings.  So, within just a few minutes of testing, the findings were in.  Molly the cat, made lots of different sounds, had many moving parts, and was certainly softer and more huggable than the competition...and very best of all, no batteries required!  If it wasn't for the "I can pick-up and leave whenever I want, because I'm a cat," attitude, Molly could have been Jude's favorite toy, instead of remaining Jude's favorite house pet ! 
Animal lovers forever,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  Share some of your kids or grandkid's animal stories!  Won't you please?
Related Articles:
Getting A Pet With A Toddler In The House
Teaching Toddlers To Get Along With A Pet 

Monday, October 11, 2010


When I multi-task, it usually consists of talking on the phone, paying a bill, and probably downing a bag of chocolate Kisses, all at the same time.  I'm pretty proud of myself when I do this!  For little ones, the process moves slightly to the left!  As long as they're touching some things with most body parts, while using their mouths to blow raspberries, or making unrecognizable sounds too, they're multi-tasking!  They may not look like they're accomplishing much of anything, but they're getting a lot done!  Using their creative and inquisitive minds, they're exploring the world around them using their five senses. I'd love to think outside the box like they do, and wouldn't mind stepping inside a few, too!   
Here's to exercising our minds,
P.S.  How does your grandchild or child help you challenge your brain?
Related Articles:
Sharpen Your Brain With Five Simple Exercises 
Brain Exercise 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Role Modeling

At first I thought this was absolutely adorable...Jude wanting to open and close Bubbie's cell phone, and pretend he's talking.  But as I watched him a little more closely, I noticed his:
- "loss of eye contact" look
- his "oblivious to the world" look  
- his repetitive speech pattern, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"
OMG!  Jude was copying ME!  How did I miss that?
I wonder how many other people he's shown his act to?  
Watching my P's and Q's,
Bubbie or soon to be known as, "the blah, blah, blah Bubbie!"
P.S.  Any planned or accidental role modeling traits your grandchildren or children have gotten from you?
P.S.S.  Ahh, I still think it's absolutely adorable!!!
Related Article:
A Grandparents' Guide For Family Nurturing and Safety

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Precious Moments With The Kids

How's this for fun?  First you take 2 or 3 handfuls of wood chips and throw them into a bucket .  You then dump the wood chips that you tossed into the bucket, onto the ground, which is covered in wood chips, which you used in the first place to put into your bucket .  Easy!  Relaxing!  No math skills required!  I've tried it, and would highly recommend it!  As a matter of fact, when Jude discovered it for himself today, he was so fascinated by it's simplicity that he spent 10 minutes repeating the process, until boredom set in, and he moved onto bigger and better finding stuff on the ground (moving or not) which you're not supposed to eat, let alone pick-up!
Another eventful day at the park!
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Share with us your precious moments with your grandkids, and/or kids while playing at the park!
P.S.S. Thanks!
Related Products For Sale:
Store For Knowledge (Sand Toys)
Really Cute Tin Pails and Beach Buckets For Sale 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I love monkey bars!  I particularly love this monkey bar!  Of all the playground equipment  at the park, this attraction sits at the very top of my list .  It doesn't require my assistance in swinging, climbing, sliding or lifting.  I get to sit next to Jude and watch him hold onto the bars,  while he hangs.  When he gets tired of hanging, he lets go, feet are already on the ground, and he does it again.  Where were these, "toddler size monkey bars," when my kids were little?  At that time I had to lift each child high up off the ground while spotting them. (Reminded me of hanging clothes as a kid...only clothespins held tighter for longer periods of time.)  Just as I finished hanging the last kid, the first kid's arms tired, and they were fussing to come down!  I knew there had to be a better way to make this fun for both parties, but "darn" if I could ever figure it out!  Luckily, someone who built the playground I now go to with Jude, did!  So, until he outgrows it, this will remain my recess, between, "Up!" and "Go, go!"
Hang in there,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  Let's hear about your playground adventures with your little ones!
Related Articles:
Playground Safety 
10 Best Playgrounds For Fun-Filled Adventures 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Grandbabies and Smiles

Ahh...what a smile !  Melts my heart, and relaxes every bone in my body.  A close second to a Swedish massage!  Little did I know that this innocent, sweet-as-could-be grin was a pre-cursor to a "marathon run-and-carry," to which I didn't even know I was signed up for!  The rules became clear very quickly.  Jude runs after the ball that he continues to throw...far..., and Bubbie gets to chase after Jude.  Rule number two...When Jude decides the run is over, his little arms go up, and Bubbie gets to carry him, "wee, wee, wee, all the way home!"
Here's to keeping our minds and bodies moving,
P.S. How do your grandchildren light up your lives?
Related Article and YouTube Video:
A Smile Can Make A Difference 
Laughing Baby/YouTube Video 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Play Time is Learning Time

"But this isn't how Mommy plays,"  Jude thought, as he threw another block into the shape sorter box.  I couldn't  argue with that!  He was right!  Mommy helps guide Jude's block choices into their matching holes every time...quickly and confidently!  That's because, Mommies can do anything!  And I must admit, this feat does appear easier than it is.  I tried it!  They just didn't fit through their holes!   After three attempts at turning those colorful blocks every which way 'til Sunday, I gave up, pulled the shaped lid out of it's socket, and gave Jude a hole built for a king!  Not only did that cut down on my frustration, but we could get in two or more at a time, toss them in while standing, and place other odd and assorted things in there, too!  For instance, Jude figured out that he could fit his one foot in easily, as long as he didn't add his hand.  But if he traded a hand for a problem!
Always trying something different, just for the fun of it,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. How do you and your grandkids, or kids, change up your regular play ?
Related Articles and Video:
Mommy Knows Best YouTube Video 
10 Ways Babies Prosper From Play 
Learning Through Play 

Water Safety

No...seriously...How could I possibly have passed a dog's water fountain with no dog line, on a record-breaking, hot day, and not have stopped to let the baby play .  I mean, it wasn't as though any dogs were drinking from the fountain at the time!  We didn't waste any water.  Jude caught every ounce of it with his face, hands and clothes.  What were we supposed to do?  Just walk on by?  Ignore the fact that we were hot, and this fountain needed testing to be sure it was still operational for the next dog expecting to quench it's thirst?  I say we did the neighborhood a favor!  Everyone can rest easy knowing the water spigot at the park works, even under the extreme circumstances of a dog wanting to hold it's paw over the spout.  In that case we learned, depending on how many fingers (or paws) used, you can still receive a satisfyingly, delicious, and hilarious spray of water , to please the most finicky of users.
You're very welcome! 
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  In what ways do you have fun with your grandkids and/or kids?
Related Articles:
20 Fun Things To Do With Your Toddler
Water Safety 

Friday, October 1, 2010


We were both in agreement that we were going outside.  The debate was over who got to put on his shoes!  I thought it was reasonable to assume, that I would get the job.  After all, I did have the experience and referrals from my own three children, and I continue to do it for myself.  Jude's argument, which I picked up through his body language and sound effects, was strong, persistent and logical.  They truly were his feet, and his shoes !  His efforts were to be commended.  He was pretty darn patient, while letting me point out matching foot and shoe, and he knew to aim for the hole.  Fortunately, there were no laces to contend with!  I wish I could say that Jude miraculously slipped his shoes on, and we were off and running, but it didn't quite happen that way.  Before his frustration continued to build, I was able to distract him by breaking into the first stanza of "Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed," and whisked him away and down the stairs, with his shoes out-of-sight, and under my armpits. Once outside I slipped those suckers on his little feet while he was busy honking the horn on his car stroller.
Looks like he's pretty close to reaching another milestone stop, SOCKS!
Best regards,
P.S. What milestones will you share in the lives of your kids and/or grandkids?
Related Articles and Products:
Pediped Footwear 
Words to "Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed" 
Toddler Milestone/Self-Care 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Haircut

My grandson's first haircut did not happen while sitting at the bathroom sink, or in a barber's chair.  A salon designed just for kids  was chosen for his precious-ness!  Today haircuts are performed in trains, planes and automobiles...while watching DVD's or TV on flat screen monitors.  Some of these kids' boutiques offer birthday parties, costumes for dress-up, air-hockey, video games, karaoke and toys galore!
I want to go!  I say,"Grown-up salons should get with the program!"  How about some incentives for us, like: hot hors d'oeuvres, live music, and free round trip tickets to Hawaii!
When I was a kid, we'd get the old, "bowl cut!"  And yes, an actual bowl was used!  Our entertainment was watching our siblings having a fit because they knew they were next!  My kids were lucky!  They were introduced to the new and improved version of the "home haircut."  Each one got to sit on the vanity, with their feet in the sink, watching in the mirror, while mommy made funny faces to get them through her attempt at cutting their hair. Ah, the good ol' days! A time before we knew someone else could do the job better, faster, and with less band-aids!
Here's to looking good!
P.S.  Any haircut traditions in your family?
Related Article and Video:
Tori and Dean at Lollicut/YouTube Video
First Haircut Traditions

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lovies, and Blankies, and Binkies...oh, my!

Just the other day, I discovered my grandson offering to share his precious, satiny "lovie" with the cat.  This was amazing to me!  Not one of my three children would have shared their blankies with anyone or any living thing.  The best they would do, when no one was looking, was to allow a favorite plush or doll to borrow it for a short time, while under their watchful eyes.  I found that blankies, lovies and binkies, take on a life of their own.  They become a he or a she, always need protecting, never need washing, can withstand the most treacherous excursions, and are able to calm and soothe, during the most critical times!  Hey!  That sounds pretty good to me!  Maybe I ought to get one for myself?
Sweet dreams,
P.S. How about a "blankie" story of your own?
Related Articles and Products:
Personalized Baby Blankie 
Blankets and Soft Toys Soothe Baby and You 
Project Linus 

Trick or Treat!

Looking through old costumes , and putting together new ones, started weeks before Halloween when I was a kid.  We were big into detail, so make-up or masks were as important as how we dressed.  It was a good thing too, because growing up on the East coast was pretty cold by the end of October, and we were not allowed to trick-or-treat  without wearing a big, old, heavy coat which covered-up our Halloween costumes!  Living in sunny California was much different for my children, and is for my grandson.  None of that, taking off the coat to show everyone how cute you looked, after entering every house...then having to put the coat back on before you went to your next "candy" pick-up station.  This process ate into our precious time for hitting as many houses as possible before the dreaded porch lights were turned off!  Now-a-days there's another choice besides neighbors malls!  Many shopping malls offer a safe, fun, and easy way to trick-or-treat!  Parents can bring their kids to most stores in a mall to receive a treat.  Go to a participating indoor mall and weather's never an issue!
I'll probably dress in a costume this year, and walk alongside my grandbaby so I can relive some Halloween memories without the coat and more of the treats!
P.S. Share your favorite Halloween memories!
Related Articles and Products:
Just Kid Costumes
Best Places To Trick Or Treat In New York City 
Halloween Without Trick Or Treating  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jude's Easy-to-Follow, 5 Step Reading Program!

Step 1: Mosey on over to the books that your mom and dad placed neatly, and alphabetically for you on your bookshelf .
Step 2: Pull every book off the shelf until you find the book that seems just right for you.  (You might need to taste one or two in the process of finding the one that 'strikes your fancy'.)
Step 3: Lie down on your bed, making sure you've got your book sitting comfortably across your belly.
Step 4: Turn the pages, as you study the pictures , and talk to the book.

Step 5: WARNING: Your eyes and hands will tire quickly, so be sure not to pick out a book that weighs more than you!  Have fun!

Observed and recorded by Bubbie!
P.S. Let me know about your grandchild's or child's favorite book(s). Thanks!

Related Articles:
Best Books For Babies And Toddlers 
Favorite Picture Books For Toddlers 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Playing With Household Items

See Jude.  See Jude play.  See Jude play in Bubbie's plastic bins which she emptied, just for him!  Bubbie's bins were filled with very important files and paperwork, five minutes before this picture was taken.  Bubbie was forced to make an executive decision concerning Jude's need to open and close each bin while in it's frame, with the distinct possibility of catching his pudgy, little fingers along the way.  Dismantling and emptying each bin, and placing them on the floor kept Jude busy for the rest of the morning.  Jude demonstrated over and over again, how these bins can be climbed-in, sat-in, jumped-in, and scooted-in, picked-up, stacked-up, pushed-along, and sat-on!  Never underestimate the creative mind of a 14 month old!
P.S. See Bubbie spend the rest of the afternoon trying to put everything back together again!
P.S.S. How do your grandkids and/or kids turn everyday household items, into play things?
Related Article:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Where is Jude?  I can't find Jude anywhere!  Where did he go?
Why can't Bubbie disappear that easily? Jude, what's your secret?  I can't figure this out!  No matter how hard I try, everyone still finds me.  Don't they know I am invisible, unavailable...temporarily gone from the face of this earth?  I actually think they find me faster when I try to hide.  More urgent matters seem to erupt when I attempt this feat.  Something breaks, phones ring, dogs fight, even bridges collapse!  Well maybe not bridges...but there was the overflowing toilet that rushed it's way through my doors, floors, and ceilings!  Maybe I've got to work on closing my eyes tighter?  That's it!  It's the eyes!  There he is!  There's Jude!  I see him now!  Then we laugh, and play again.  
Imagine that!
P.S.  Would love to hear about one of your little one's all-time favorite games!

Related Articles:
Why Some Babies Love Peek-A-Boo 
Games With Baby 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Great "Grand" Parents

Great "grand" pop Harry was born in 1917, which pushed him to his 93rd birthday celebration in June.  Although there are 92 years between him and his great grandson, they share much in common.  They both work on their walking daily, find soft foods easiest to chew, and they're terrific at making each other laugh!  
Since I get to help my grandson and my dad out weekly, I'm always entertained by these two hams.  Jude will crack me up with his actions, while my dad has at times, a very dark sense of humor.  Like when he asked me recently if I wanted to know how he keeps his caregivers on their toes.  Without thinking I said, "yes!"  His punch line was to take 2 fast, deep breaths, then drop his head on his shoulder with his eyes closed, as if he croaked...Okay, so I do admit I laughed along with him, off my chair, but don't ya' think this man needs a hobby?
Holding on to my sense of humor for dear life,
P.S. Would love to hear one of your classic, funny stories about your munchkins, or parents!
Related Article:
Quotes About Grandparents