Sunday, March 29, 2020

Adorable Animal Links for our Kiddos

"Hello, Mr. Tails" said the toddler to the new pet goldfish in his home. This new presence is a welcome addition to this household. Waiting out the Coronavirus is giving many of us a chance to slow down and pay attention to things, people and animals, we would normally pass right on by.
Besides that, I'm up to a dollar twenty in change. With nothing to do, I found myself walking around with a rag, cleaner, broom, and vac. My house now has a wonderfully clean smell with a bit of a shine, too. Who knows? This could become habit forming! But, I digress. The real reason for this blog is to share some sweet links I found, which might give our kiddos something to "ooh" and "ahh" about. I know I did! (And don't miss Fiona, the baby hippo. Cute as can be for a hippopotamus!)
Stay safe, wash your hands, and don't forget to floss!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Fiona, the baby hippo learns to walk up and down a ramp!
Explore Livecams/Farm Sanctuary, Penguins, Kittens and so much more!
Kinder Playtimes' have a day at the zoo with you.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Having a Covid 19 Break Not a Breakdown with the Kiddos!

The kids are at home. Check! Parents are at home. Check! Everyone is at home at the same time for an unknown amount of time. Aughhhh!!! You've probably gone through your "list of things to do with the kids while waiting out the Coronavirus" in three days or less. Movies, popcorn, board games, baking, charades, Facetime, Zoom and other assorted and experimental activities have been checked. What to do now, you say loudly and in a most disturbing way. Well, I'll tell you exactly what to do. Here it is. I've been thinking about this all week as I sit alone, in isolation, and I got nothin'! Ziltch! Nodda! But, I did some research and hopefully, you'll discover bunches of activities to do with the kids and lots of good advice from those in the know in the links below! Move forward and may the force be with you:)
Stay safe. Wash your hands. And, don't pick your nose!
Virtual hugs and kisses,
Bubbie and her grandkids
What To Do With Kids On Coronavirus Break Without Losing It
Tips For Families/Zero to Three: Coronavirus 
Avoid Cabin Fever/125 Ideas For Kids During Covid 19