Friday, November 12, 2010

Helping Toddlers Figure It Out

Whoever came up with the sliding board, sure knew how to have fun!  Jude has discovered that there is more than one way to slide down, and more ways than one to go up! 
It's adorable to watch the surprised look on Jude's face each time his slide is complete.  He can't quite figure out what's making him stop.  The ride is over, but "why?"
P.S.  How do you manage to help your grandkids figure things out?
Related Article:
Letting Toddler "Figure It Out" Helps In The Longrun

Monday, November 8, 2010

Learning Through Play

Ah, how I long for the good ol' days...playing fetch with Jude, as he would throw his toys from the high chair.  I'd have to bend a mere foot and a half to make my retrieve.  (Seems like it was just a few months ago. Actually it was!)  Now that he's walking...make that running, he's interested in seeing me move a little faster and a lot farther.  My new mantra has turned into, "get in shape, or get out of the game!"
Keep on moving,
P.S.  How are your grandkids keeping you in shape?
Related Articles:
Teaching Toddlers Throughout The Day

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Physical and Social Development for Toddlers

Carrying the kids, turns out, is harder on the back, but much easier on the nerves!  Wouldn't be so bad letting them take the stairs, if they were willing to let you help...but NOOOOOOOO!  I try to take Jude's hand, and he pushes me away.  I feel like a human net.  Standing inches away, without him noticing, my hands are ready for the slip!  I back up slowly covering every little space Jude could fall through, while guiding him down to safety.  Whew! Jude's learning to navigate his way down the steps is working my brain more than a crossword puzzle.  Geez, maybe I'm on to something here!
P.S.  At what ages did your grandkids start pushing their way towards independence ?
Related Article:
A Toddler's Physical and Social Development

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let There Be Light, and No Light!

Now you see it, now you don't! The ceiling light, that is!  Learning how to turn things on and off, especially by remote is fascinating for a toddler.  Once they figure it out, it's tough to turn them off to it.  I know!  I tried...through Discussion:"Jude, this can't be fun for you anymore.  Your neck must be killing you from looking up!  You don't want to wear out the buttons on the remote, do you?"...Bribes: "Wouldn't you rather play with your favorite ball?  Look at this "big boy's" box of raisins Bubbie has for you in her pocket book!"...Distraction: "Listen to that!  I think I hear the circus train coming down the street!  Hurry!  Let's go see!"  That didn't work either, but the consolation was...Jude did figure out how to work the buttons for the fan, too!
P.S.  Send me the best distraction methods you've used with your little ones..that worked!
Related Articles:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Understanding Baby Talk

Jude and his friends were snacking at the park on this fine day, when along came a hungry passer-by. The grown-ups tried to figure out the gibberish that was spoken between them.  We think it went something like this: 
Boy:  Bgdiili! Blii! Hebb diididi gre!
(Translation: Quick!  Sit!  The girls are watching!)
Dog: Bark, bark bark! (Translation: I'll be sitting, as long as you keep the treats coming!)
1st Girl: Hak ligl! Hmm! (Translation:  Big deal! I could do that!)
2nd Girl: Bla! Pdi ke! (Translation: No you couldn't!  You hate dogs!)
1st Girl: Dile Fe fen dd? (Translation: Do you think he's cute?)
2nd Girl: Woh de boga do! (Translation: I don't like dogs either!)
1st Girl: Nol kel, arklk! (Translation: Not the dog, the boy!)
Until somebody comes up with a book for Dummies on baby language,  we'll continue to be entertained by playing, "What the heck did they just say!"
Still having fun,
P.S.  At what ages did your grandchildren become somewhat understandable? 
Related Articles:
Reading And Language 
Talkative Baby Girl (Too funny!) 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fun and Games With Toddlers

Hide and Seek happens to be one of my favorite childhood games.  It gets to be even more fun as you get older and wiser.  I always lost to those more ingenious than myself at hiding, but I've finally found my equal...Jude, my 18 month old grandson.  Now, this boy knows how to hide!  The game lasts about 3 minutes, which is right about where my attention span sits these days.  We than move on to bigger and better activities, such as; popping out at each other from behind the bed, racing down the hall, and spinning anything that will spin across Jude's wooden, play table.  As long as his imagination, curiosity, and creativity continues to grow, we'll never be at a loss for play!
Fun and games forever,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Where does imagination and fun take you while playing with your grandkids?

Related Article:
Why "Hide and Seek" Is So Much Fun 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Costumes and Treats

In the jungle, the mighty jungle, this little lion will surely sleep good tonight !  Trick-or treating takes a lot out of a little guy!  Preparing since early afternoon, mommy and daddy cleaned and decorated the house, ordered pizza for friends and family, filled the jack-o'-lantern with candy, and in between answered the door for trick-or-treaters while dressing Jude in his lion costume.  (Costume choices came down to dog, lion or cat, guessed it...those are the animal sounds Jude knew best!)  Of course Jude started his house-to-house journey walking, and very soon after wanted to be carried.  
Hmm...On second thought this little lion's mommy and daddy will surely sleep tonight!
Happy Halloween to all of you grown-ups who worked so hard making it memorable and fun for your sweethearts...Bubbie
P.S. What do you do to make Halloween special for your grandkids?
Related Articles/Video:
In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle YouTube Video
Health Watch/Safe Halloween Costumes
Halloween Fun Snacks For Kids 

Toddlers and Dogs

Dogs and kids and balls!  A winning combination, with proper supervision at all times .  I'm amazed this beach ball is still intact.  Most of the balls Jude owns have Napoleon's personal signature on them...teeth marks.  Napoleon also enjoys Jude's plush dolls and squeak toys. It's the moving toys that are not on his "let's play" list...especially when Jude takes his shopping cart out for a spin.  At that point all bets are off, and you're taking your life in your hands to be resting comfortably, in a stretched-out position on the floor.  Fortunately, Napoleon has figured this out...and so have we!
Bubbie and Jude and Napoleon
P.S.  Do you have any favorite grandkids and pets stories to share ?
Related Articles/Video:
Toddlers and Dogs
Dog and Baby Having A Blast /YouTube Video (Too Funny!)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Encouraging Resourcefulness



[ri-sawrs-fuhl, -sohrs-, -zawrs-, -zohrs-] 
able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations, difficulties, etc.

Use in a very long sentence:
Toddlers are very resourceful, especially when they want to do something, like sitting, and are not willing to wait for just a few seconds while Bubbie brings over a nice, cushy chair!
P.S. No cup was harmed during the taking of this picture.
Best regards,
P.S.S. In what ways have you observed your little one's resourcefulness?
Related Articles:
Encouraging Resourcefulness
Parenting and Resourceful Children 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Friendship Between Toddlers

The start of a friendship between toddlers is sweet to watch.  Sitting side-by-side studying one another with frequent glances and exchange of vocal sounds...being careful not to move too close to one another.  As their comfort level grows they ease into "mine," and "no!" in "don't touch anything that I want, and if you do you're taking your life in your hands, because if a grown-up's not looking, I won't hesitate to give you such a push!
Here's to friends,
P.S. At what ages did your  grandkids begin their friendships?
Related Article:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lessons Learned From Our Grandkids

Been a while since I've blogged...3 days actually.  In the middle of a move and I don't always have access to a computer.  Pretty lost without one!  This recent picture of my grandson reminded me of myself right now.  Moving things around from place to place, but not exactly sure where to put everything. I should take a lesson from Jude.  He's keeping things simple.  Only working with a few items at a time, and managing them in a limited amount of space.  I like how this boy thinks! 
Best regards,
P.S.  What lessons have you learned from your grandkids?
Related Article:
Lessons We Can Learn From Our Grandchildren 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Outdoor Activities

On our way over to the jungle gym at the park the other day, Jude spotted a lonely block of cement planted firmly in the ground.  It was just sitting there, minding it's own business, but Jude just had to check it out. What could it do?  There was no bounce, swing or slide to it!  It didn't move or make noise!  At first Jude walked around it, he then sat on it before walking across it.  Next he stepped up onto it, then jumped down repeating this exercise a couple dozen times. He was having so much fun, that he attracted three other children, who now had to have their own turns!
Explore your world,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. What kind of adventures have your grandbabies experienced?
Related Article:
Fun Family Outdoor Activities 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun Things To Do With Grandchildren

Oh, yes!  Toddlers love to fill empty spaces.  If it is empty, they will find it!  Size or shape of empty space, doesn't matter.  Just as long as it's empty!  And if it doesn't have the possibility of filling up, ever, (like a cat door with a garage on the other side), all the better for a toddler.  Think of the amount of stuff they can gather from around the house, pushing it through the hole, while someone (me) spends her time retrieving, because child wants his stuff back!
I'm here to serve,
P.S. What kind of great fun do you have with your grandkids?
Related Articles:
100 Free Things To Do With Your Grandchild (free download) 
Grandest Time/Fisher Price-Lots to do with Grandchildren 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weaning From Bottle To Sippy Cup

Since weaning off the bottle, Jude has graduated to a sippy cup.  He didn't take to the replacement too easily at first, but now he's become an old pro!  Here he's demonstrating his ambidextrous skills with milk in one hand, and water in the other! Of course, when he's finished drinking, the cups become odd shaped bouncing balls, and rolling logs!  Fortunately, among the dozens of sippy cup designs, there are those that promise to "bounce 50% of the distance back up off the ground!" Also in the mix you can find flip-tops, built-to-tilts, twist and clicks, sports cups, double grippers, straw sippers, and angled spouts!  I'm so happy that I'm a grandparent, eliminating the possibility of needing to make a choice between these highly advanced sippy cups. I have a hard enough time choosing between toothpastes!
Just Bubbie!
P.S. How was the transition between bottle or nursing, and the cup, for your grandkids?  Any tricks to make it easier?
Related Articles:
Z Recommends Sippy Cups
5 Step Plan Weaning From Bottle To Sippy Cup 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Museums For Children

Watching Jude discover a few lost toys in the park, brought me back to my favorite "find" as a child.  It was a small, rubber doll dripping wet from the puddle I recovered her from.  After bringing her into a warm basement, wrapping her up in a dry, old towel, and giving her lots of hugs, she was ready to be played with. So, I did just that...for three straight days..until my mother noticed this new addition in my doll stroller, and questioned where it came from.  After the interrogation was over, I knocked on doors, with mom by my side, until I brought Teenie back to her rightful owner! I must admit it was a happy reunion for both parties, even though I'll never understand why anyone would have named my darling "Teenie"...Sue-Sue!
Loving finds,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Have a good "lost and found" story to share?
Related Websites:
Please Touch Me Museum/Philadelphia, PA 
The Most Amazing Kids Museums In The USA 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Opening and Closing Doors

What can be more fun than opening and closing a door? For a toddler, this activity means making loud noises and playing peek-a-boo!  For me, it means catching fingers and toes, accompanied by loud cries!  Trying to discourage Jude from this game, I place my foot in the door opening without Jude noticing, and tell him the door is broken.  He doesn't buy it, so I toss a plush toy over his head and into the next room shouting, "Go get it!"  The dog thinks it's for him, pushes past us, and fetches!  I then turn on a Raffi CD, sweep Jude off his feet, and we dance and sing our way through three songs.  Who knew opening and closing a door could be so exhausting!
Bye for now,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. What do your grandkids enjoy opening and closing?
Related Article and YouTube Video
Why Kids Love Opening And Closing Doors 
Raffi In Concert/YouTube 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Honk, honk, rattle, rattle, rattle, crash, beep, beep!

How cute is this?  Forget the boring strollers I used when I took my kids for walks!  The new generation of parents get to push their toddlers in toy cars, and covered wagons with built-in seats! These fun push or pull strollers feature seat belts, cup holders, storage bins, and guarantee a safe, smooth ride! Best of all, the little ones seem to love it!  Jude kicks back and relaxes in his seat, honking the horn in between sipping his  juice, and munching on his raisins while I do all the work! I've come up with some additional suggestions: a motorized, air-conditioned seat, and overhead umbrella for the driver...just a thought!
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Please share some of your favorite walks with your grandkids.  Would love to hear about them!
Related Articles, Videos, and Products

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Reasoning With A Toddler

There is one rocking horse at the neighborhood playground, where I take Jude in the afternoons.  One horse which often has a line of toddlers waiting for a turn...and toddlers are not the best "waiters!"  I've tried to point out to the kids that there are nine, (count them..."nine"), healthy, hearty, rocking cows in the same pen anxious to give them the ride of their lives! But nooooo! Nobody wants a cow ride!  Only a horsie ride!  I'm sure these cows are perfectly capable of giving a smooth, even rock. But for whatever reason, and it's a challenge to reason with a toddler, the horse remains the playground favorite, every time. 
Happy trails to you,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S.  How do you reason with your grandchildren?

Related Articles:

What Toddlers Laugh At

Jude loves the element of surprise.  All I have to do is hide behind or under something, then pop back up with an excited and silly look on my face while I yell, "Boo!" Works every time!  I think I should try this exercise on all people I meet during the day, who seem to be in a grumpy mood.  I could jump out at cashiers from behind the counters, waitresses from under the booths, and maybe even a store clerk from behind the clothes rack! Think of all the possibilities!  Hmmm...I just did...on second thought, I think I'll stick with the little ones!
Keep 'em laughing,
P.S. How do you get your grandkids giggling?
Related Articles:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toddlers and Naps

Can't say that nap time is a highlight in Jude's day, like most toddlers, he'd rather not take the break.  Think of all he might miss!  There's climbing, running, jumping, throwing, falling, eating, drinking, chasing...and that's in between laughing, dancing and clapping! I've tried explaining to Jude the health benefits, both emotionally and physically to a good afternoon nap, but he's never interested in listening to what I have to say, even when I try to sing it to him in rhyme. Our routine always remains the same: Watch Raffi sing, "Baby Beluga" while drinking warm milk from a sippy cup,,, then listen to Jude give his 30 second protest while grabbing for his "luvies" just before he drifts off to sleep
Sweet dreams,
"Sleeping Beauty's" Bubbie
P.S. Any tricks for getting the kids or grandbabies down for their nap?
Related Articles:
How To Help Your Toddler Nap 
Andrea Bocelli Sings Elmo To Sleep/YouTube Video