Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Virtual Kid's Birthday Parties

Who said, "Virtual birthday parties can't be fun?" Not Finn! His day started out exceptionally early in his back yard filled with balloons, signs, presents, cupcakes, and let us not forget the "Happy Birthday" chalk drawings all over the ground. You see, this day he turned four years old and this day will not be forgotten. There were video chats sprinkled throughout the day with friends and family taking part in the excitement of watching Finn blow out his candles, open his presents and reveal his newly appointed finger ready to count past three. It was a long day for the birthday boy and it was reported he slept soundly that night, along with his parents...Zzzz...!
Happy Virtual Birthdays!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies
Birthday Ideas While Social Distancing
Virtual Party Performers During COVID Times 
Creative Ways to Host Kid's Virtual Parties