Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sidewalk Chalk

Talk about time management! Jude figured out a way to draw twice as much, in just half the amount of time! (What a guy!)
So far, our favorite game to play with sidewalk chalk is, "Jumping to Ten!" I get to draw and number ten squares on top of one another. All the kids line up and wait their turns to jump from one square to the next, while reciting the numbers. (Our version of Hop-Scotch!)
Please share any sidewalk chalk games with us, that you find fun for the kids. We're always anxious to learn about new ones.
How To Make Sidewalk Chalk
Easy Sidewalk Chalk Games
Indoor Fun With Sidewalk Chalk
Bubbie and Jude

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cleaning Up Can Be Fun For Kids

Toy storage bins seem to have taken the place of the big, old toy chests.  When I first saw this, I thought it was a fantastic idea.  Categorizing toys into their own bins!  What could be better, or simpler?  Stuffed dolls in one, balls in another, etc., etc. Twelve opportunities for separation!  Wow!  And this probably would work out swell, as long as there are no toddlers within arms reach of the unit!  Once in contact, there must be this little voice in their heads that say, "Tear that sucker apart!  Dump it all!  Leave no bins unturned!" When all is said and done, there lies the opportunity to sing my favorite song, "It's Clean Up Time Again!"   
Ah kids, 'ya gotta' love 'em!
I know I do,
P.S.  How do you encourage your grandchildren to clean up after themselves?

Related Articles:
Making Clean-Up Fun For Kids
Clean-Up Songs

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Precious Moments With The Kids

How's this for fun?  First you take 2 or 3 handfuls of wood chips and throw them into a bucket .  You then dump the wood chips that you tossed into the bucket, onto the ground, which is covered in wood chips, which you used in the first place to put into your bucket .  Easy!  Relaxing!  No math skills required!  I've tried it, and would highly recommend it!  As a matter of fact, when Jude discovered it for himself today, he was so fascinated by it's simplicity that he spent 10 minutes repeating the process, until boredom set in, and he moved onto bigger and better finding stuff on the ground (moving or not) which you're not supposed to eat, let alone pick-up!
Another eventful day at the park!
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Share with us your precious moments with your grandkids, and/or kids while playing at the park!
P.S.S. Thanks!
Related Products For Sale:
Store For Knowledge (Sand Toys)
Really Cute Tin Pails and Beach Buckets For Sale