Showing posts with label hello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hello. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Teaching Toddlers Good Manners

Jude loved his time visiting with the ducks at the lake. He laughed at their swimming antics, tried to keep up with them as they waddled along the path, and shushed the geese who honked at them. The only thing he couldn't do was get them to greet him. First, Jude put out his fist for "knuckles,"... but no takers! And as you can see in this picture, he even gave it the old "high five" try. I stepped in by quacking with the ducks to show Jude that this was their way  of saying, "Hello. How ya' doin'?"  Problem!
Keeping it fun,
Bubbie and Jude
P.S. Have you any hints for teaching good manners to little ones?
Related Articles:
Teaching Toddlers Good Manners
How to Teach Toddler Manners