So how was I supposed to remember (from 25 years ago), that introducing a baby to a spoon at the same time as their food, can be confusing to them? Little did I know, that there was an article that explained this phenomenon. My finger! I was supposed to use my finger instead of the spoon. What was I thinking! Of course that explained why he was dodging every helping with his quick little hands. He was confused! I thought he was just trying to be funny! And we both thought it was pretty hilarious, until he figured out how to get it going my way! Once it shot up my nose, I was ready for a nice, soothing, warm bottle...I mean Jude was!
Disclaimer: No baby was harmed during the making of this picture...but I can't same the same for my camera!
Happy "grand"baby sitting,
P.S. Please share with us your most successful baby feeding solutions. Thanks!
Related Article:
Introducing Baby To Solid Foods
Ahh...the fine art of drooling. I've not seen a child do it as well as my grandson, since my sister's child, who was born 24 years ago. (And I do believe he still does it for special occasions!) Fortunately, my little darling doesn't seem to be bothered by the constant flow of liquid pouring from his mouth. I just follow him around with a bucket, and we're good to go! Just couldn't resist sharing this pic...Oh, I know he'll hate me for taking it when he's older, but it's making me laugh...after all...don't I deserve a little chuckle now and then?
Hope it helps,
P.S. Would love to hear from you with your ideas on soothing babies pain when teething!
Related Article:
Teething Solutions
After spending countless hours "GOOGLEing" walkers, I discovered the best rated to be the, "Fisher-Price" Shop and Learn Walker. Too anxious to shop online, I drove store-to-store looking for the best price. I was thrilled to discover this toy that states it "helps baby gain problem-solving experience, and develop thinking skills by discovering how to activate music, lights, sounds and speech." Wow! I was impressed. I then spent an hour putting it together. (Okay, so I have no mechanical skills!) I basically had to remove it from it's box, and add the handle. Learning how everything worked, I was ready and excited to present it to my sweetie. Not giving me a chance to show-off my newly acquired knowledge, my grandson rushed past me, grabbed the walker by it's handle, and ran w/it...up and down the room. He finally stopped long enough to notice there were toys in the basket, and curiously picked each one up, and threw them ever-so-quickly onto the floor. After another few minutes he used his problem-solving skills to climb into the basket, balancing himself just right, so he wouldn't fall. The only thing he decided to activate was his voice, as he let me know that he wanted to be pushed...up and down the room about a zillion times. I'll remember to wear my back-belt next time!
Happy babysitting,
P.S. Always looking for new toy ideas! Got any?
Related Products:
Laugh and Learn Walker