Friday, January 29, 2021

Training Kids to Train Puppies

"Having a dog is a great way to set rules for your children and teach them about responsibilities." so says Ceasar. Since our shut-in, due to Covid-19, I've been watching Ceasar's words come to fruition with my grandchildren and their new, furry critters slowly acclamating to each of their households. It didn't take long for love, laughter and some major adjustments to quickly take place while rules and chores were divied out to keep order, as best as could be expected. I'm thrilled to report at this time that the kids are loving their dogs, the dogs are loving their kids, and their houses are still standing!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grand kids and her Grand doggies plus one Cat! 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Picture Perfect


Nothing makes my day brighter than passing my fridge on the way to anywhere to catch a glimpse of my grandkids' artwork. Whether they mail it to me, hand it to me, or send it through my phone, it doesn't take me long to show it off. Their work is always a refreshing pick-me-up no matter my mood. Using my well-worn letter magnets, I always message them back with a picture of their work covered by my admiration and love. And, it's always fun to find their signatures within their masterpieces...a finishing touch I always encourage:)
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandkids
Here are a few links I thought you might enjoy:
Benefits of Displaying Childrens Art
What to do with Kids' Artwork
How to Display Kids' Art