Showing posts with label grandkids blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandkids blog. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Kids Needing Glasses

I was six years old, in first grade and loved my red 
and white striped glasses. Being allowed to pick out
my first pair made all the difference in the world.
Being able to read the blackboard like all the other
kids, helped a lot, too! It was great to learn my
grandson's experience was much the same.
Although, Jude was a bit older when needing his
first pair, he's thrilled with his selection and can't
believe how his world has opened up. His first
hours were spent excitedly discovering everything
readable without the need to squint. Ain't life grand!!
Keep on staying safe and washing those hands!
Virtual hugs,
Bubbie and her Grandbabies

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Drawing Out the Best in Kids

Bringing out large sheets of white paper with drawing supplies is always a hit at Bubbie's house. My grand kids know I can't wait to hang their masterpieces on my fridge, for all to admire.
This fine day my five year old started slow by choosing and sharpening her favorite colored pencils, while my seven year old jumped in, pens first, anxious to get his ideas recorded quickly.
I watched these kids and observed decision making, eye-hand coordination, concentration and imaginative skills developing. They looked at it as the best part of their day...especially since their Bubbie always has their favorite treats sitting by their side. Works for me!
'Till next time,
Bubbie and her grand kids!
How do you get your kids and/or grand kids to the drawing table? 
Why Drawing is Important for Children
The Importance of Drawing for Young Children

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Grayson's Fifth

Since this 22 month old grandson of mine loves to climb, keeping him off of the piano has become a losing battle. Pulling himself onto the center of the bench is now routine. Once situated, he then proceeds to entertain me with not one, but many versions of Grayson's 5th. Although he's practiced this piece many times, it seems that it has a way of banging itself out differently each time he plays. Fortunately, this pleases him so much that he has a tendency to play louder at each performance. (Maybe I should applaud less :)))) I'm just thankful that he can't reach the pedals yet!
"Learning piano at a young age offers many benefits. It builds confidence and develops creative expression, and studying a musical instrument increases spatial awareness and helps children score higher in reading and math tests than their non-musical counterparts.", so states

Techniques for Teaching 2-Year-Olds to Play Piano 

Having had music lessons as a child, I offered it to all of my kids when they were young. Two of the three still enjoy playing today.
Please share your experiences with playing music yourself at an early age, or your kids or grandkids. Always love hearing from you!
Signing off for now, 
Bubbie and her grandbabies